Madagascar fights to save the forests that made it famous

Sitting under a tall tree in Ranomafana National Park in southeastern Madagascar, guide and ranger Jean Chri Rafidisoa waits for tourists to join a visit to one of the country’s last old-growth forests. The dense rainforest traversed by rivers and waterfalls is home to thousands of plant and animal species, including 12 kinds of lemurs.

The protected forest is a kind of time capsule, offering a glimpse into what the region looked like centuries ago. It stands in stark contrast to the bare, burnt land that surrounds it, where trees have been razed to make way for fields.

“People here … know it’s important to preserve the environment, but they sometimes have no other choice” than to cut the trees down, explained Mr. Rafidisoa during the Monitor’s visit last June. Since then, the forest has also battled large wildfires.

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Madagascar is losing its forests at an alarming rate. Its problem is one mirrored around the world. People here need their forests to survive, but poverty means they often have no choice but to cut them down.

Indeed, the forests that once covered a large portion of Madagascar are being decimated at an alarming rate. According to a 2018 study published in the journal Biological Conservation, the island has lost almost half of its natural forests since the mid-20th century. This unbridled deforestation is accelerating the effects of climate change and threatening an extraordinary ecosystem: Five out of every 100 plant and animal species known to science come from Madagascar, and 90% of those are found only on the island.

In 2021, at the COP26 United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, the country of Madagascar joined a global pledge to “halt and reverse” deforestation by 2030. But while the government has named reforestation a national priority and a new generation of Malagasy youths is stepping up to protect forests, they are fighting an uphill battle.

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