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Arizona Supreme Court taps AI avatars to make the judicial system...

PHOENIX -- Arizona's highest court has created a pair of AI-generated avatars to deliver news of every ruling issued by the justices, marking what...

What role for Kurds in the ‘new’ Syria? They’re getting mixed...

On paper, the agreement to integrate a powerful, U.S.-backed Kurdish force into the national army and institutions of the “new” Syria promises unity, peace,...

Low-tech and upside-down: The solutions under our feet

Sheep are shearing the land under solar panels to benefit two industriesAs solar power’s land needs grow, more ranchers are turning to agrivoltaics.With solar...

TikTok Enhances Family Pairing

TikTok has announced that it is rolling out expanded parental controls and well-being tools designed to support families in fostering healthier digital habits for...

Papua New Guinea: Years of Environmental Clean Up Ahead Following New...

Active Citizens, Asia-Pacific, Civil Society, Conservation, Economy & Trade, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Natural Resources, Small Island Developing States, Sustainable Development...

MTN’s annual profit hammered by Nigeria currency devaluation

MTN Group suffered a 69% slump in full-year earnings, Africa's biggest telecom operator reported on Monday, hit by devaluation of the Nigerian naira and...

Kenya: Release Inquiry on Bodies Found in Quarry

(Nairobi) – Kenyan authorities should conclude and publicly announce the outcome of their investigation into the discovery of mutilated bodies at Mukuru Kwa Njenga...

AI nurses: Staffing solution for hospitals or a threat to quality...

The next time you’re due for a medical exam you may get a call from someone like Ana: a friendly voice that can help...

From the ashes: After wildfire, can this Olive Avenue family move...

On a mid-February morning, Nicole Moore rolls up to a rented storage unit. The closet-sized room serves as a go-between, its contents connecting her...

Tackling adolescent malnutrition in Nigeria’s internally displaced persons (IDP) camps

UN aid tents at the IDP Camp Maiduguri Borno State Nigeria.  Image by Ifeatu Nnaobi from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)There is a growing...

All the upcoming road closures in and around Swindon

Remedial works will close London Street and Sheppard Street and Station Road (reference STR10032) from the junction with Emyln Square to Cheltenham...

A ballerina battles for European Georgia

Image by Giorgi Ninos, used with permission.She sits alone in the white room when our call starts. Natia Bunturi's eyes bear the weight of...

Jingzhe: A Chinese holiday to take down ‘pests and villains’

Hitting the villain. Image from the Collective. Used with permission.Jingzhe (驚蛰), or Insect Awaken Day, marks the third of the 24 solar terms in the...

The Justice Department investigates, punishes more student protestors

NEW YORK — The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether Columbia University concealed "illegal aliens" on its campus, one of its top officials said...

Arab world unites on Gaza. Can it get US, Israel, and...

An alternative to U.S. President Donald Trump’s regionally reviled plan for Gaza’s reconstruction is gaining widespread buy-in across the region, and among Palestinians and...

The best pubs to visit this weekend in Swindon revealed

We have looked at Google ratings for all of the pubs across town to compile a list of the highest rated establishments. ...

DUO Marketing + Communications joins Collectivist as African member agency

Collectivist is a strategic alliance of complementary tech PR agencies spanning five continents and 33 countries, including the UK, US, EU, LATAM, Africa, and...

Glenfiddich Releases Newest Film in ‘The Challengers Club’ Campaign

Glenfiddich has released the latest film in its 'The Challengers Club' campaign series. The newest instalment, shot in Matatiele, Eastern Cape, explores the relationship...

Trump, Democracy and the U.S. Constitution

Armed Conflicts, Democracy, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, North America, TerraViva United Nations Opinion STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Mar 14 2025 (IPS)...

Our Investment in School Meals is Our Investment in Education

Aid, Economy & Trade, Education, Education Cannot Wait. Future of Education is here, Food and Agriculture, Health Statement of International School Meals Day by...

Mustadafin Foundation Calls for Support

With 39 years of dedicated service to local communities, the Mustadafin Foundation has announced that it is inviting South Africans to contribute to its...

BusinessTech Launches New Campaign

BusinessTech has unveiled a new campaign to promote the power of its advertising solutions. At the heart of the campaign is a new tagline:...

Activists Fear Kenya Forests Threatened Due to Government Development

Africa, Biodiversity, Conservation, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Natural Resources, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Biodiversity Conservationists are preparing tree seedlings to boost reforestation...

Trashing Jewish Values Risks Israel’s Survival as We Know It

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Editors' Choice, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Middle East & North Africa, TerraViva United Nations Opinion ...

‘We will just die in silence’: US aid cuts hit Ethiopia’s...

MEKELE, Ethiopia -- As a displaced person in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region, 76-year-old Haile Tsege is no stranger to hunger.During its war with Tigray...

How Israel failed to anticipate Hamas: Intel trusted tech over people

When Israel completed construction of a $1.1 billion above-and-below-ground fence along its 40-mile border with Gaza – equipped with radar devices, cameras, surveillance sensors,...

This Haitian shot to fame on TikTok, but others profited from...

On Nov. 11, 2022, Kendy Auguste published the TikTok video that divided his life in two.Before he hit “post” that morning, the Haitian English...

United Nations’ New Efficiency Initiative is Aiming for Structural Changes to...

Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Population, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations IPS UN: Inside the...

EPA Will Close All Environmental Justice Offices, Zeldin Says

In the Trump administration's latest move to obliterate three decades of work to address the systemic injustices faced by low-income and minority communities across...

Energy is a Catalyst for Peace Between Israel and Gaza

Armed Conflicts, Energy, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Middle East & North Africa, TerraViva United Nations Opinion David L. Phillips is an adjunct professor at...

Gaza Counts Costs of Catastrophic Impacts of Israeli Bombardment on Healthcare

Armed Conflicts, Asia-Pacific, Development & Aid, Disaster Management, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United...

Google’s 2025 Hustle Academy applications now open

Google has opened applications for the 2025 edition of its Hustle Academy programme."We are thrilled to launch the 2025 Hustle Academy, continuing our commitment...

DR Congo: Rwanda-Backed M23 Target Journalists, Activists

 (Nairobi) – The Rwanda-backed M23 armed group and the allied Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC) have threatened, detained, and attacked journalists, critics, and civil society...

A quiet recognition of Black soldiers in South Africa, and new...

Ecuador’s Constitutional Court ruled that marine ecosystems have rightsThe court’s decision expanded a 2008 constitutional provision, then the first of its kind in the...

This Gambian advocate believes female genital mutilation could be eliminated within...

A group of women demonstrating the Female Genital Mutilation process. Image by UNAMID, via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed).By Sydney Leigh Smith Female Genital Mutilation...

Five years ago, the world shut down. COVID’s imprint lingers from...

Five years ago, the World Health Organization declared that the outbreak of a novel coronavirus, COVID-19, was a pandemic – a designation that in...

The G20: How it Works, Why it Matters and What Would...

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Economy & Trade, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Prof Daniel D....

Western Climate Hypocrisy Exposed by NATO Energy Policy

Climate Action, Climate Change, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Energy, Environment, Global, Global Geopolitics, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion KUALA LUMPUR,...

Majority of the world’s population breathes dirty air, report says

BENGALURU, India -- Most of the world has dirty air, with just 17% of cities globally meeting air pollution guidelines, a report Tuesday found....

Syria: End Coastal Killing Spree, Protect Civilians

(New York) – Summary executions and other atrocities have taken place in Syria’s coastal region following insurgent attacks on Syrian security forces and during subsequent...

Energy Secretary Makes Clear Trump ‘Ready to Sacrifice’ Communities and Climate

As environmental justice advocates were arrested outside a major energy conference in Houston on Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump's energy secretary faced criticism for...

Deadly clashes in Syria are precisely what new leaders sought to...

An insurgency by gunmen loyal to the ousted government of Bashar al-Assad and a wave of sectarian revenge killings are threatening to transform Syria...

Trump EPA and Citibank Sued for ‘Illegally’ Freezing Green Energy Funds

The need for a federal lawsuit filed Monday presents "more evidence of a constitutional crisis," according to one campaigner, as plaintiffs pushed back...

Amid a torrent of news, eddies of calm

I love puzzles, so one of my favorite tasks as Weekly editor is to coordinate the lineup of stories that fill these pages.It’s a multifaceted...

Society’s Self-Sabotage: How Discrimination Cripples Nations

Featured, Gender, Global, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Ending discrimination is critical to ending...

Siddis of India—a Unique Community Moves Into the Mainstream With Tourist...

Active Citizens, Arts, Asia-Pacific, Civil Society, Cooperatives, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Trade & Investment Trade & Investment Lingadbael...

A Cash Crisis Forces UN to Re-Figure its Budget and Freeze...

Editors' Choice, Featured, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations The Secretariat building in New York City, where staff...

‘Rule Breakers’ Movie Launches in Advance of International Women’s Day Highlighting...

Education, Education Cannot Wait. Future of Education is here As the Captain of the Afghan Dreamers, Education Cannot Wait Global Champion Somaya Faruqi led...

Kenyan troops gave Haitians hope for security. Have they delivered?

At the Champ de Mars plaza in the heart of Haiti’s capital, law student Seme Rockens sits alone on a bench.For the past three...

International Women’s Day, 2025 Rule Breakers: The Compelling True Story of...

Aid, Civil Society, Editors' Choice, Education, Education Cannot Wait. Future of Education is here, Featured, Gender, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Sustainable Development Goals,...

How to Become an Influencer: A 2025 Guide

If you're trying to build a social media career or just dipping your toes into content creation, let media update's Joreke Kleynhans coach you...

‘Catastrophic and Saddening’: Research Shows US Butterfly Population Dropped 22% in...

A landmark study released Thursday in the journal Science found that the number of butterflies in the United States declined dramatically between 2000 and...

Education Cannot Wait Interviews Ramiz Alakbarov, UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian...

Aid, Education, Education Cannot Wait. Future of Education is here, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies Mar 6 2025 -  Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov was appointed as...

UpEnergy issues Africa’s first-ever electric cooking carbon credits under Gold Standard’s...

"At UpEnergy, quality and transparency are the cornerstones...

Naked Celebrates ‘#GetNakedAnywhere’ Campaign Success

Naked, the digital insurance platform, has announced that its '#GetNakedAnywhere' campaign has turned into a viral TikTok phenomenon that has generated more than 20...

dentsu School of Influence Announces 2025 Cohort

dentsu South Africa has inducted eight content creators into its 2025 School of Influence programme. Now in its second year, this initiative brings the...

Cosmetix South Africa Rebrands as cosnova South Africa

cosnova Beauty has announced the rebranding of Cosmetix South Africa to cosnova South Africa, effective from Thursday, 2 January. This transition follows cosnova's full...

Zambia: Mining in Toxic Lead Waste Poisons Children

In the Zambian city of Kabwe, children suffer severe health effects due to lead poisoning because of extreme pollution from the toxic lead waste...

International Women’s Day, 2025In Zanzibar, Women Turn the Tide with Sponge...

Active Citizens, Africa, Civil Society, Cooperatives, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Gender, Headlines, Human Rights, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva...

Brussels Show Offers Diverse View of Art History

Arts, Europe, Headlines, Latin America & the Caribbean Esiri Erheriene-Essi and her painting The Birthday Party. Photo credit: AM/SWANBRUSSELS, Mar 4 2025 (IPS)...

Amid Gaza ceasefire’s uncertainty, Palestinians focus on survival

With a fragile Israel-Hamas ceasefire hanging by a thread, Palestinians in Gaza are scrambling for certainty and survival.Even as residents returning to bombed-out communities...

USAID: The Deep State’s Bank—Unveiling Its Operational Arms and Their Ties

By Shayne Heffernan, KnightsbridgeMarch 4, 2025 Let’s assume the unthinkable: the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is the deep state’s financial engine, a shadowy...

David Beckham takes his four dogs for a walk near Cotswolds...

He and his wife, Victoria Beckham, have resided in their home close to Chipping Norton for several years now, often being spotted...

TEFAF Turns From the Classic to the Contemporary

The European Fine Art Fair in Maastricht describes itself as a fair that spans 7,000 years of art history. For a long time, those...

International Women’s Day, 2025New Report Finds Sexist Laws Persist Worldwide

Democracy, Editors' Choice, Featured, Gender, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion S.Mona Sinha, Equality Now,...

Spier Wine Farm Unveils New Identity

Spier Wine Farm has unveiled a new identity with an updated logo. The logo will appear across all Spier wines and offerings. Spier says...

Australia’s summer weather extremes bring wide-ranging natural emergencies

Far North Queensland highway bridge collapse. Screenshot from 9 News Australia video: “Prime Minister heads to flood emergency zones”. February 6, 2025.Australia is facing...

Drawing peace in Sudan

In war-torn Sudan, a key to peace may be in a child’s fingertips.After nearly two years of civil war, an estimated 25 million people...

Greenberg Traurig Strengthens London and Middle East Finance Practice with Key...

Global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP has expanded its London and Middle East Finance Practice with the strategic addition of Kevin-Paul Deveau, who joins...

Lawsuit Aims to End ‘Cruel War on Our Environment’ by Trump...

A leading conservation group filed suit Monday to stop U.S. President Donald Trump and billionaire Elon Musk from "gutting" over a dozen of the...

KFC Celebrates Inspirational African Women for International Women’s Day

To mark International Women's Day on Saturday, 8 March and honour its theme of 'Accelerate Action,' KFC Africa has collected the stories of dozens...

Ignition Group and The LEARN Project Partner for International Book Giving...

Ignition Group and The LEARN Project have joined forces to bring the love of books and reading to the fore to mark International Book...

BBC News takes full responsibility for Gaza: How To Survive A...

The BBC Board has identified serious flaws in the making of the programme Gaza: How To Survive A Warzone and as a result it...

Tanzanian Speaker Calls for Urgent Investment in Youth to Harness Demographic...

Africa, Conferences, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Population, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations, Youth Population Tulia Akson, Tanzanian Parliament Speaker and President...