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After Gaps in UN Agreement, National Laws Must Step Up To...

Environment, Global, Headlines Opinion The international carbon markets need recognition of community rights to be integrated in the national and international supporting regulations and guidance....

The end of an Eras tour approaches, marking a bittersweet moment...

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- After more than 150 shows across five continents over nearly two years, the global phenomenon that is Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour...

Where Nazis first won office, Germans are voting for right-wing extremists

Just down a thickly forested road from the Buchenwald concentration camp memorial here in the historic city of Weimar, a young mother wrangling her...

New UN aid chief vows ‘ruthlessness’ to prioritize spending as funding...

GENEVA -- The new head of the U.N. humanitarian aid agency says it will be “ruthless” when prioritizing how to spend money, a nod...

Ladles of Love Launches ‘Feed the Future’ Campaign

NPO Ladles of Love has launched its biggest annual campaign yet, titled 'Feed the Future' and South Africa is invited to get on board....

Nigeria’s new listing tops trading volumes as shares soar

Housing and hospitality group Haldane McCall plc sees its listing on the Main Board of the Nigerian Exchange Limited as the route to raise...

VML South Africa Brings Home Regional TikTok Ad Awards

VML South Africa has announced that it brought home awards in three categories at the inaugural regional TikTok Ad Awards for the Middle East,...

TikTok Ad Awards Announces 2024 South African Winners

The inaugural TikTok Ad Awards 2024 ceremony has taken place in Dubai, at Upside. The event has celebrated standout brands and agencies across the...

To end AIDS, communities mobilize to engage men and boys

Michael Onyango rises before dawn in his Nairobi apartment and catches a train eight hours east to Kilifi, a coastal town north of Mombasa....

How an App Transformed Farming for Rural Tanzanian Women

Active Citizens, Africa, Artificial Intelligence, Civil Society, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Food and Agriculture, Green Economy, Headlines, Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals,...

Henkel SA Hosts Inaugural Sustainability Indaba

Henkel South Africa has hosted its inaugural Sustainability Indaba, highlighting that the commitment to a sustainable future has never been stronger. This event brought...

‘Quilombola Communities Live in Fear Because the Laws That Are Supposed...

Civil Society, Education, Featured, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Latin America & the Caribbean, TerraViva United Nations Dec 4 2024 (IPS) -...

Inside Africa

Bita Water Project, Angola | Advising the Ministry of Finance of the...

Sean Penn accuses Academy Awards of cowardice at Marrakech Film Festival

MARRAKECH, Morocco -- Sean Penn on Tuesday blasted the organizers of the Oscars for being cowards who, in effect, limit the kinds of films...

Magna Carta Takes Top Honours at AdFocus Awards 2024

Magna Carta, a leading reputation management consultancy, took home the overall award for PR Agency of the Year on Monday, 2 December at the...

Absa Renews Sponsorship of the Absa RUN YOUR CITY SERIES

Absa has renewed its commitment as title sponsor of the Absa RUN YOUR CITY SERIES, a partnership that began in 2021 during the Covid-19...

Aquafresh Launches Mobile Libraries Programme

Aquafresh has announced that it is donating compact, libraries to schools across Johannesburg. Aquafresh says that it has partnered with a few schools to...

Focus on Africa: IPBES Plenary Session Makes Inaugural Visit to Biodiverse...

Africa, Biodiversity, Conservation, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Natural Resources, Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Biodiversity Springbok in Sossusvlei, Namibia. IPBES 11...

South Africa’s G20 Presidency in 2025: A Pivotal Moment for the...

Africa, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Headlines, Population, Poverty & SDGs, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Audiovisual/G20  Lutfiyya Dean (center), head of the South African delegation...

Ugandan Disability Rights Mental Health Advocate Honored

(New York) – Benon Kabale, a Ugandan disability rights advocate, is the 2024 recipient of the Human Rights Watch Marca Bristo Fellowship for Courageous Leadership...

UNAIDS appoints artist Funke Akindele as National Goodwill Ambassador for Nigeria

ABUJA, NIGERIA, 3 December 2024 — The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Funke Akindele, a...

‘The People Always Pay’: Report Details How LNG Tax Breaks Harm...

How do local communities lose out when governments invest in fossil fuel facilities instead of community needs? That's the question at the heart of...

Small Island States Urge International Court to Look Beyond Climate Treaties

Caribbean Climate Wire, Climate Change, Climate Change Finance, Climate Change Justice, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, Least...

What Does The Ceasefire in Lebanon Entail For Gaza?

Armed Conflicts, Crime & Justice, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Middle East & North Africa, Migration & Refugees, TerraViva United Nations A group of...

‘Monumental Victory for the Ocean’: Norway Halts Plans for Deep-Sea Mining

Environmental organizations cheered as Norway's controversial plans to move forward with deep-sea mining in the vulnerable Arctic Ocean were iced on Sunday. The pause was...

Giving the Ocean a Fighting Chance Through the Great Blue Wall

Biodiversity, Climate Action, Climate Change, Economy & Trade, Environment, Global, Green Economy, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Credit: Great Blue WallVICTORIA, Seychelles,...

Resilience amid crisis: strengthening the HIV response for displaced communities in...

Ethiopia faces a triple crisis of conflict, climate change, and displacement that impedes the capacity to provide essential health and other humanitarian assistance to...

Confronting the Global Crisis of Land Degradation

Civil Society, Climate Action, Climate Change, Editors' Choice, Environment, Global, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion The 16th session of the...

Who are the Ultimate Winners in the World’s Ongoing Military Conflicts?

Armed Conflicts, Featured, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations Credit: US National ArchivesUNITED NATIONS, Dec 2...

Global celebrities unite behind UNAIDS’ call for world leaders to “take...

GENEVA, 1 December 2024 — This World AIDS Day (1 December), sixteen global celebrities, including Hollywood film star Luke Evans and singer-songwriter Sia of...

Academy Award-winning actress and philanthropist Charlize Theron hands over her Instagram...

GENEVA, 28 November 2024 — A 21-year-old South African HIV activist, Ibanomonde Ngema, will take over the global Instagram account of Academy Award-winner and...

Embracing the feral in Kingston, Jamaica’s concrete jungle

‘A Feral Commons’ is a Global Co-Commission public art project spearheaded by the Global Cultural Districts Network (GCDN) and led by Dubai-based Alserkal Advisory....

The Biggest Delegation at Plastic Treaty Talks? Plastic Industry Lobbyists

At the fifth and final session of the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to finalize a global plastics treaty in Busan, South Korea, one...

The COP29 is over, and so is the spotlight on Azerbaijan

Image by Arzu Geybullayeva.The 29th session of the United Nation's flagship climate summit, also known as COP (Conference of Parties), just wrapped up in...

Drought in Somalia is forcing thousands of climate refugees to Kenya’s...

A screenshot of an old woman at the Dadaab Refugee Camp from the documentary Radio Dadaab by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), used with...

UNAIDS report shows that upholding human rights is vital for ending...

GENEVA, 26 November 2024— Ahead of World AIDS Day (1 December), a new report by UNAIDS shows that the world can meet the agreed...

Critics Call COP29 Climate Finance Draft ‘Slap in the Face’ by...

With the United Nations' annual climate summit scheduled to end Friday in Baku, Azerbaijan, green groups denounced the latest draft finance deal, which would...

Nearly 300 Green Groups Urge Biden to Block LNG Expansion Ahead...

As the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan draws to a close and the second presidency of Donald Trump approaches, nearly 300...

Climate emergency risks worsening AIDS epidemic, UN warns at COP29

Countries facing “triple funding crisis” of insufficient climate finance, insufficient HIV funding, and crippling debtGENEVA/BAKU, 21 November 2024—The climate crisis could disrupt HIV services...

Big Oil Tax Could Boost Global Loss and Damage Fund by...

A modest tax on the world's seven largest oil and gas companies could generate hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the...

Campaigners Demand ‘Biden Make a Final Stand’ for Climate Before Trump...

With the clock winding down on President Joe Biden's tenure and the dark cloud of Republican President-elect Donald Trump's imminent administration looming, activists rallied...

Thousands March in London to Demand End of Fossil Fuels and...

Thousands of climate justice advocates took to the streets of London on Saturday to demand the U.K. government "end its reliance on fossil fuels,...

Exploring Mexican identity and the human soul through Marlene Pasini’s poetry

Photo of Marlene Pasini in an illustration by Global Voices. Photo used with permission.To talk about Marlene Pasini is to talk about a Mexican...

Grocer’s $440bn is Africa’s biggest IPO of 2024

Grocery chain Boxer has launched its share offer, aiming to raise between ZAR 8.0 billion ($440 million) and ZAR 8.5 bn ($467m). Although it...

Trump Picks Big Oil Ally and Drilling Enthusiast Doug Burgum for...

President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he has chosen billionaire North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, a close ally of the fossil fuel industry and...

World’s Largest Coral Found in Pacific, Unharmed by Planetary Heating

Scientists announced on Thursday their discovery of the largest coral ever documented off the coast of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific Ocean...

US Plastics Industry Dumps Almost Half a Billion Gallons of Wastewater...

Amid fears over President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, a government watchdog on Thursday called out the EPA for letting...

As Planet Heads Toward 2.7°C Rise, Tracker Warns Global Climate Action...

Existing policies and actions taken by world governments put the world on track for a median estimate of 2.7°C of warming by the end...

Newly Unearthed Docs Show Big Oil Knew of Climate Dangers as...

Documents uncovered from several academic and news archives shed light on what one climate disinformation expert on Tuesday called "one of the earliest and...

Critics Warn Trump EPA Pick Zeldin ‘Will Make Our Air and...

As U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet continued to take shape on Tuesday, climate and environmental campaigners expressed deep concerns about his pick to lead...

UN Climate Chief Warns Inaction on Emissions Will Deliver ‘Inflation on...

As he addressed world leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan on Tuesday, U.N. climate chief Simon Stiell made the...

‘We Don’t Give Up’: Climate Groups Resolute as Shell Wins Appeal...

Climate campaigners didn't sugarcoat their reactions to a Dutch court decision on Tuesday that overturned a landmark 2021 ruling ordering the oil behemoth Shell...

Climate Campaigners Demand COP29 Free of ‘False’ Finance Solutions

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference has been called the "climate finance" conference, with participants expected to establish a new annual target for...

‘Ready to Fight’ for Climate, Students Walk Out Over Trump

Students with the youth-led Sunrise Movement walked out of over 30 high schools and universities across the United States on Friday to stand against...

Advocates Urge Biden to ‘Secure His Climate Legacy’ by Acting on...

With just 75 days left before climate-denying Republican President-elect Donald Trump returns to the White House to pursue his "Drill, Baby, Drill" energy agenda,...

2024 ‘Virtually Certain’ to Be Hottest Year on Record: EU Climate...

A day after U.S. voters elected climate-denying Republican Donald Trump in the presidential race, soon ushering in an administration that is sure to expand...

Who Should Pay for Climate Damage? Majority of the World Agrees:...

A multinational survey commissioned by Greenpeace International and published Monday revealed that a majority of respondents favor making fossil fuel companies pay for...

‘Unacceptable,’ Advocates Say as COP16 Ends Without Biodiversity Fund Deal

Officials at the international biodiversity conference that began in October were forced on Saturday to suspend talks without reaching an agreement on a key...

‘The Window Is Closing’: Fears Grow That World Leaders Will Fail...

As a major international biodiversity summit approaches its Friday conclusion, environmental advocates fear that world leaders will not make the conservation and financial commitments...

Options derivatives trading coming to Nairobi Securities Exchange

A big step forward for Kenya’s derivatives market NEXT, a part of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), as it moves to introduce options derivatives...

Report Details Record-Breaking Health Threats of Climate Crisis, Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Over $1 trillion spent each year on subsidizing fossil fuel production must be redirected to public health efforts, said the experts behind a new...

‘This Is Climate Change’: Devastating Flooding Kills More Than 70 in...

Spain's deadliest flooding in 30 years killed at least 72 people as torrential rain slammed the eastern region of Valencia on Tuesday, with some...

140 Groups Urge Biodiversity Summit Attendees to Halt New Oil and...

With just a few more days of the United Nations biodiversity summit in Cali, Colombia, 140 organizations collectively called on government representatives to pursue...

‘Frightening’: Over 1 in 3 of World’s Tree Species Face Extinction

More than one-third of Earth's tree species are at risk of extinction, with logging, forest destruction for agriculture and urban development, and human-caused global...

‘Words Fail’: WMO Report Finds CO2 Accumulating at Record Levels

Climate-heating carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere more rapidly than at any time since humans evolved. That's just one of the alarming findings from...

Billionaires Spew More CO2 Pollution in 90 Minutes Than Average Person...

With the world on track for 3.1°C of warming this century, Oxfam International on Monday blamed global billionaires who—with their superyachts, private jets, and...

Climate Groups Warn Third-Party Vote ‘Could Hand Our Planet’s Future Over...

A coalition of leading U.S. environmental groups warned Thursday that a third-party vote in next month's election could help usher in climate disaster by...

‘We’re Playing With Fire’: World on Track for ‘Catastrophic’ 3.1°C of...

The world's nations must commit to dramatically slashing greenhouse gas emissions in the near future or risk a "catastrophic" rise in global average temperatures,...

COP29 Host’s State Oil Company ‘Aggressively’ Ramping Up Fossil Fuel Production:...

In less than a month, Azerbaijan will host the United Nations' 29th Climate Change Conference, or COP29. But a new report on its state...

‘Outrageous’: New Roundup Is 45 Times More Toxic

Facing tens of thousands of lawsuits after it acquired Monsanto, Bayer promised to remove cancer-linked glyphosate from its commercial Roundup weed killers by 2023....

World Bank Leads Development Giants in Investing $2.27 Billion in Factory...

The Green Climate Fund and 11 of the 15 multilateral development banks together invested at least $2.27 billion in factory farming in 2023, undercutting...

‘The Law Is Clear’: NY Officials Back Memo Outlining Criminal Charges...

Several New York City and state elected officials endorsed a memo published Thursday outlining how New York City prosecutors could charge major fossil fuel...

‘Sigh of Relief’ as Supreme Court Gives EPA Another Temporary Win

The climate movement on Wednesday welcomed a victory at the U.S. Supreme Court, the third temporary win for the Biden administration's environmental policies this...

Can this innovation change the way people think about HIV?

In 2020, a gay Thai man living with HIV sparked controversy with a Facebook post. He was on antiretroviral therapy and had gotten lab...