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Home Environment


Juliana v. US: Supreme Court Decision Brings 10-Year Climate Case to...

Although young plaintiffs and their supporters were disappointed by the U.S. Supreme Court effectively ending their constitutional climate lawsuit on Monday, they also emphasized...

Tuskegee Airman remembers struggle for recognition amid Trump’s DEI purge

AURORA, Colo. — With members of a trailblazing Black Air Force unit dying at advanced ages, efforts to remain true to their memory carry...

‘What’s Next?’ Women-led Movements Fear for the Future

Civil Society, Democracy, Featured, Gender, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Commission on the Status of...

Africans are taking a chance on basketball. That’s good for the...

Birds flit in and out of the cracked windows of the old stadium. On the basketball court below, players’ shouts reverberate off the walls,...

Funding Crunch Puts Years of Progress at Risk in Fight Against...

Aid, Civil Society, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Featured, Global, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Health Mycobacterium tuberculosis...

Boxing legend George Foreman remembered for his impact in and out...

Reaction to the death of two-time heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman:“Condolences to George Foreman's family. His contribution to boxing and beyond will never be...

Arizona Supreme Court taps AI avatars to make judicial system more...

PHOENIX — Arizona's highest court created a pair of AI-generated avatars to deliver news of every ruling issued by the justices, marking what is...

Turning the Tide on Tuberculosis: Ensuring Access, Treatment, and Prevention for...

Development & Aid, Headlines, Health Opinion A TB patient at the Srinagar-based Chest Diseases Hospital in the Indian state of Kashmir. Credit: Athar Parvaiz/IPSWilliamsburg, VA,...

Scientists Warn Major Glaciers Won’t ‘Survive This Century,’ With Grave Impacts...

Scientists on Friday spent the United Nations' World Water Day and first-ever World Day for Glaciers warning about how fossil fuel-driven global warming melts...

A Weapon in the Fight for Water Security: Preserving the Glaciers

Africa, Environment, Headlines, TerraViva United Nations, Water & Sanitation Opinion Glaciers in SADC include those found on Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), on the Drakensberg Mountains (South...

Glaciers Of The SADC Region – A Wake-Up Call For Climate Action

Africa, Environment, Headlines, TerraViva United Nations, Water & Sanitation Opinion Glaciers at Mount Kilimanjaro. Experts fear that in a few decades, these glaciers may vanish entirely,...

Ocean dumping – or climate solution? An industry bets on the...

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia -- From the grounds of a gas-fired power plant on the eastern shores of Canada, a little-known company is pumping a...

How Rare Rhino, Tiger Conservation Has Locked Out Indigenous Communities

Biodiversity, Civil Society, Conservation, Environment, Food and Agriculture, Headlines, Natural Resources, TerraViva United Nations Conservation Members of the Greater Kaziranga Land and Human Rights protection committee....

How Aid Cuts Will Shatter Global Water and Sanitation Progress

Development & Aid, Featured, Global, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations, Water & Sanitation Opinion According to the UN,...

OFM Announces ‘Lekker soos ‘n Trekker’ Competition

OFM has partnered with John Deere to launch the 'Lekker soos 'n Trekker' competition, giving one lucky winner the chance to drive away with...

Nestlé Releases New Packaging Made From Recyclable Materials

In honour of Global Recycling Day, Nestlé East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) has announced that nearly all its packaging is now made from...

SOS Children’s Villages Highlights the Rights of Children for Human Rights...

SOS Children's Villages has announced that this Human Rights Day, it advocates for children and young people. Children have the right to parental and...

Civil Society: The Last Line of Defence in a World of...

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Climate Change, Crime & Justice, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Featured, Gender, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Inequality,...

Why “Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace” Advocates Cling to Genocide Denial

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Crime & Justice, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Middle East & North Africa, TerraViva United...

‘The Threat Is Extremely Real’: Advocates Sound Alarm Over Trump ‘Energy...

On the first day of his second term, U.S. President Donald Trump announced he was fulfilling his campaign promise to "drill, baby, drill" by...

‘Travesty of Justice’: Jury Finds Greenpeace Must Pay Over $660 Million...

This is a developing story... Please check back for possible updates... Climate campaigners swiftly sounded the alarm on Wednesday after a North Dakota jury...

Trinidad & Tobago’s moko jumbie master, ‘Dragon’ de Souza, takes his...

Dragon keeps watch over his moko jumbies-in-training at the Keylemanjahro School of Arts & Culture on the outskirts of Trinidad's capital, Port of Spain....

‘Disaster for Local Communities’: Trump DOE Conditionally Approves CP2 LNG Terminal

A region in southern Louisiana that has already been deemed a "sacrifice zone" by human rights experts—due to the high levels of pollution caused...

‘Never Happened Before’: WMO Finds Past 10 Years Have Been 10...

A report released by the World Meteorological Organization on Tuesday found that not only was 2024 the warmest year in a 175-year observational period,...

Marquis Who’s Who Honors Ray L. Sundby, MBA, for Expertise in...

Marquis Who's Who Honors Ray L. Sundby, MBA, for Expertise in Engineering and Automation ...

Epilepsy Patients in Africa Fight Stigma and Neglect

Active Citizens, Africa, Civil Society, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Population, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations, Women's Health Health ...

Scoreboard: 2024-25 Montana high school basketball honors teams

High school basketball2024-25 Honors TeamsGirls basketballAll-State: Tailey Harris, Lockwood; Dani Jordan, Lockwood; Coral Old Bull, Billings Central; Kam Reinker, Billings Central.All-ConferenceFirst team: Tailey Harris, Lockwood;...

Beond Completes Ibogaine Treatment for First Cohort of Female Veterans

Beond Service has given me the chance to...

‘Not Acceptable’: Trump EPA Teases Evisceration of Scientific Research Office

Climate campaigners on Tuesday accused the Republican head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of a "calculated betrayal of public health and the environment"...

‘Completely Delusional’: Trump Calls for Reinvigorating Domestic Use of US Coal

After U.S. President Donald Trump declared on Truth Social on Monday night that he is ordering his administration "to immediately begin producing Energy with...

Fear at isolated Antarctica base as man accused of attacking colleague,...

CAPE TOWN, South Africa -- A member of a South African research team that is confined for more than a year at an isolated...

SPAR Group Supports Thabazimbi Community in Flood Crisis

The SPAR Group has announced that Hannes Coetzee, the owner of Thabazimbi SPAR, along with other Thabazimbi residents, stepped in to assist with the...

One night to resolve all matters of the heart

The latest work of the celebrated Nigerian-born British writer Ben Okri, “Madame Sosostris and the Festival for the Brokenhearted,” is a slim volume, more...

H&M and the LEARN Project Partner for Literacy at KZN School

H&M South Africa and The LEARN Project have announced the opening of a newly refurbished library at H.P. Ngwenya Public Primary School in Chesterville,...

Arizona Supreme Court taps AI avatars to make the judicial system...

PHOENIX -- Arizona's highest court has created a pair of AI-generated avatars to deliver news of every ruling issued by the justices, marking what...

150 artists of African descent celebrated in ‘Black Paris’ exhibition at...

PARIS -- An unprecedented exhibition at the Pompidou Center in Paris explores the presence and influence of Black artists in the city from the...

Pioneering Sustainable Energy Solutions in Africa

Africa, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Energy, Featured, Headlines, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Audience at the...

Arizona Supreme Court taps AI avatars to make the judicial system...

PHOENIX -- Arizona's highest court has created a pair of AI-generated avatars to deliver news of every ruling issued by the justices, marking what...

What role for Kurds in the ‘new’ Syria? They’re getting mixed...

On paper, the agreement to integrate a powerful, U.S.-backed Kurdish force into the national army and institutions of the “new” Syria promises unity, peace,...

Two Jamaican reggae artists with rural roots pass on, leaving echoes...

Feature image created using Canva Pro elements. Screenshot of Cocoa Tea taken from this You Tube video by Television Jamaica, and screenshot of Determine...

Low-tech and upside-down: The solutions under our feet

Sheep are shearing the land under solar panels to benefit two industriesAs solar power’s land needs grow, more ranchers are turning to agrivoltaics.With solar...

TikTok Enhances Family Pairing

TikTok has announced that it is rolling out expanded parental controls and well-being tools designed to support families in fostering healthier digital habits for...

Papua New Guinea: Years of Environmental Clean Up Ahead Following New...

Active Citizens, Asia-Pacific, Civil Society, Conservation, Economy & Trade, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Natural Resources, Small Island Developing States, Sustainable Development...

AI nurses: Staffing solution for hospitals or a threat to quality...

The next time you’re due for a medical exam you may get a call from someone like Ana: a friendly voice that can help...

From the ashes: After wildfire, can this Olive Avenue family move...

On a mid-February morning, Nicole Moore rolls up to a rented storage unit. The closet-sized room serves as a go-between, its contents connecting her...

Tackling adolescent malnutrition in Nigeria’s internally displaced persons (IDP) camps

UN aid tents at the IDP Camp Maiduguri Borno State Nigeria.  Image by Ifeatu Nnaobi from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)There is a growing...

All the upcoming road closures in and around Swindon

Remedial works will close London Street and Sheppard Street and Station Road (reference STR10032) from the junction with Emyln Square to Cheltenham...

A ballerina battles for European Georgia

Image by Giorgi Ninos, used with permission.She sits alone in the white room when our call starts. Natia Bunturi's eyes bear the weight of...

Jingzhe: A Chinese holiday to take down ‘pests and villains’

Hitting the villain. Image from the Collective. Used with permission.Jingzhe (驚蛰), or Insect Awaken Day, marks the third of the 24 solar terms in the...

The Justice Department investigates, punishes more student protestors

NEW YORK — The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether Columbia University concealed "illegal aliens" on its campus, one of its top officials said...

Arab world unites on Gaza. Can it get US, Israel, and...

An alternative to U.S. President Donald Trump’s regionally reviled plan for Gaza’s reconstruction is gaining widespread buy-in across the region, and among Palestinians and...

The best pubs to visit this weekend in Swindon revealed

We have looked at Google ratings for all of the pubs across town to compile a list of the highest rated establishments. ...

Orms Announces GoLive! 2025

Orms has announced the 2025 GoLive! event, which takes place on Friday, 14 and Saturday, 15 March at 56 Roeland Street, Cape Town. The...

DUO Marketing + Communications joins Collectivist as African member agency

Collectivist is a strategic alliance of complementary tech PR agencies spanning five continents and 33 countries, including the UK, US, EU, LATAM, Africa, and...

Glenfiddich Releases Newest Film in ‘The Challengers Club’ Campaign

Glenfiddich has released the latest film in its 'The Challengers Club' campaign series. The newest instalment, shot in Matatiele, Eastern Cape, explores the relationship...

Trump, Democracy and the U.S. Constitution

Armed Conflicts, Democracy, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, North America, TerraViva United Nations Opinion STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Mar 14 2025 (IPS)...

Activists Fear Kenya Forests Threatened Due to Government Development

Africa, Biodiversity, Conservation, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Natural Resources, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Biodiversity Conservationists are preparing tree seedlings to boost reforestation...

‘We will just die in silence’: US aid cuts hit Ethiopia’s...

MEKELE, Ethiopia -- As a displaced person in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region, 76-year-old Haile Tsege is no stranger to hunger.During its war with Tigray...

How Israel failed to anticipate Hamas: Intel trusted tech over people

When Israel completed construction of a $1.1 billion above-and-below-ground fence along its 40-mile border with Gaza – equipped with radar devices, cameras, surveillance sensors,...

Mozambique: Police Fire on Opposition Parade

(Johannesburg) – Mozambique police fired on a peaceful opposition parade on March 5, 2025, injuring at least 16 people, including 2 children, Human Rights Watch...

This Haitian shot to fame on TikTok, but others profited from...

On Nov. 11, 2022, Kendy Auguste published the TikTok video that divided his life in two.Before he hit “post” that morning, the Haitian English...

EPA Will Close All Environmental Justice Offices, Zeldin Says

In the Trump administration's latest move to obliterate three decades of work to address the systemic injustices faced by low-income and minority communities across...

Gaza Counts Costs of Catastrophic Impacts of Israeli Bombardment on Healthcare

Armed Conflicts, Asia-Pacific, Development & Aid, Disaster Management, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United...

Google’s 2025 Hustle Academy applications now open

Google has opened applications for the 2025 edition of its Hustle Academy programme."We are thrilled to launch the 2025 Hustle Academy, continuing our commitment...

DR Congo: Rwanda-Backed M23 Target Journalists, Activists

 (Nairobi) – The Rwanda-backed M23 armed group and the allied Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC) have threatened, detained, and attacked journalists, critics, and civil society...

A quiet recognition of Black soldiers in South Africa, and new...

Ecuador’s Constitutional Court ruled that marine ecosystems have rightsThe court’s decision expanded a 2008 constitutional provision, then the first of its kind in the...

This Gambian advocate believes female genital mutilation could be eliminated within...

A group of women demonstrating the Female Genital Mutilation process. Image by UNAMID, via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed).By Sydney Leigh Smith Female Genital Mutilation...

Five years ago, the world shut down. COVID’s imprint lingers from...

Five years ago, the World Health Organization declared that the outbreak of a novel coronavirus, COVID-19, was a pandemic – a designation that in...

The G20: How it Works, Why it Matters and What Would...

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Economy & Trade, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Prof Daniel D....

Western Climate Hypocrisy Exposed by NATO Energy Policy

Climate Action, Climate Change, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Energy, Environment, Global, Global Geopolitics, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion KUALA LUMPUR,...

Majority of the world’s population breathes dirty air, report says

BENGALURU, India -- Most of the world has dirty air, with just 17% of cities globally meeting air pollution guidelines, a report Tuesday found....

Energy Secretary Makes Clear Trump ‘Ready to Sacrifice’ Communities and Climate

As environmental justice advocates were arrested outside a major energy conference in Houston on Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump's energy secretary faced criticism for...

Deadly clashes in Syria are precisely what new leaders sought to...

An insurgency by gunmen loyal to the ousted government of Bashar al-Assad and a wave of sectarian revenge killings are threatening to transform Syria...

Trump EPA and Citibank Sued for ‘Illegally’ Freezing Green Energy Funds

The need for a federal lawsuit filed Monday presents "more evidence of a constitutional crisis," according to one campaigner, as plaintiffs pushed back...