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PXG Issues $1 Million Matching Challenge Benefitting Team Rubicon for California...

By matching donations to Team Rubicon, we hope...

A Third of the Arctic’s Landmass is Now a Source of...

For thousands of years, the land areas of the Arctic have served as a "carbon sink," storing potential carbon emissions in the permafrost. But...

Will Trump keep Gaza ceasefire afloat? A guide to his calculations.

Donald Trump returned to the White House Monday with a ceasefire in place in Gaza and with bragging rights for getting an elusive deal...

Up close with President Biden, then President Trump. What I saw...

It was an Inauguration Day like no other I’ve witnessed. By happenstance, the Monitor’s turn to serve in the White House press pool fell...

Rethinking Africa’s Debt: Debunking Myths and Identifying Sustainable Solutions

Africa, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Featured, Headlines, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion The 2024 UN OSAA...

A World Where Rich Get Richer, Poor Get Poorer — and...

Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Featured, Gender, Global, Headlines, Inequality, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Credit: UN...

Climate Movement Alarmed by Trump Declaring Energy Emergency to ‘Drill, Baby,...

This is a developing story… Please check back for possible updates... U.S. President Donald Trump said during his Monday inaugural address that he would...

Martin Luther King Jr’s Legacy on Health Equity Through the Eyes...

Global, Headlines, Health, Inequality, TerraViva United Nations Martin Luther King Jr. rightly identified health inequity as the worst form of social injustice. Credit: bswiseWASHINGTON...

Still Hopes for a Future Plastic Treaty– But it Won’t be...

Civil Society, Climate Change, Environment, Global, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion A 30-foot- high monument entitled Turn off the plastics tap by...

Sesame Workshop Appoints Onyinye Nwaneri as Managing Director for South Africa

Sesame Workshop has named Dr Onyinye (Onyi) Nwaneri Managing Director for South Africa. She will be responsible for leading Sesame Workshop's South African operations...

Pemba’s Woman Salt Farmers Forge Livelihoods Amid Climate Woes

Active Citizens, Africa, Africa Climate Wire, Civil Society, Climate Change Justice, CLIMATE SOUTH: Developing Countries Coping With Climate Change, Development & Aid, Economy &...

Gaza ceasefire sets in motion release of 3 Israeli hostages

A ceasefire in the Gaza Strip took effect on Sunday as Hamas released the first three female hostages it held for 15 months of...

New music festival promises to “chase away the winter blues”

The inaugural Swinterfest will be taking place over four days across Old Town from Thursday, January 30 until Sunday, February 2. ...

At what cost are we bridging Africa’s digital divide?

Internet café in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Image by Ossewa from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed).The internet is often celebrated as a transformative force, bridging...

Expanding LNG Over Renewable Energy Is Economic and National Security Failure:...

As Republican President-elect Donald Trump prepares to further accelerate already near-record liquefied natural gas exports after taking office next week, a report published Friday...

Climate-Fueled Insurance Cost Hikes Putting American Dream ‘Out of Reach’

As communities across the Los Angeles area continued to grapple with catastrophic wildfires, the U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday released the most far-reaching report...

What Trump’s return says about this moment in America

Micki Witthoeft wipes a tear from her eye and apologizes.“I’m sorry; it’s an emotional time,” says Ms. Witthoeft, standing outside the Central Detention Facility...

In the warming Sahara, this mosque has a blueprint for cool

In Agadez, a city in the heart of Niger that is the gateway to the Sahara, Amma Attouboul has been appointed to take care...

Red Ribbon Communications Appoints Tayla-Jade Coenraad to B2B Tech Division

Red Ribbon Communications has appointed Tayla-Jade Coenraad to its B2B tech division, boosting the long list of brands that have seen the value of...

Africa & Europe Must Join Forces to Protect Our Ocean by...

Biodiversity, Climate Action, Climate Change, Economy & Trade, Environment, Global, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Marine life photographed on National Oceanic and...

Survivors of Deadly LA Wildfires Seek Criminal Charges for ‘Reckless’ Big...

Victims of the deadly wildfires still devastating large swaths of Los Angeles County were joined Thursday by scientists and legal experts at a press...

Actuaries and Scientists Warn Climate Shocks Risk ‘Planetary Insolvency’

U.K. actuaries and University of Exeter climate scientists on Thursday warned that "the risk of planetary insolvency looms unless we act decisively" and urged...

Education Cannot Wait Interviews Adenike Oladosu, ECW Global Climate Champion and...

Africa, Climate Action, Climate Change, Climate Change Justice, Economy & Trade, Education, Education Cannot Wait. Future of Education is here, Environment, Gender, Global, Green...

Trump cut the refugee program before. Refugee groups prepare for Round...

The United States just spent a year resettling more refugees than it has in three decades. The next president may soon reverse that work. The...

Critics Warn Trump Picks for EPA and Interior Would Only Serve...

As Republican-controlled Senate committees held Thursday morning confirmation hearings for U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's picks to lead the Department of the Interior and Environmental...

Estate to get new festival following WOMAD’s departure

Charlton Park Estate will host Shindig Festival, previously held in Somerset, from May 22 to 25. The family-friendly event, which features...

Critics Warn Media Outlets Failing to Explain Climate Cause Behind Los...

Covering the who, what, when, where, and why is journalism 101. So why are too few media outlets explaining the role that the climate...

Extinct Human Species Lived in a Brutal Desert, Study Finds

Chimpanzees live only in African rainforests and woodlands. Orangutans live only in the jungles of Indonesia. But humans live pretty much everywhere. Our species...

Trillions in Dirty Money: How Hidden Loopholes Fuel Corruption and Inequality

Climate Change, Economy & Trade, Environment, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, Inequality, TerraViva United Nations Transparency International revealed alarming findings in December 2024 about the...

Egypt: Repression, Rising Poverty in Sisi’s Second Decade

(Beirut) – The government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt entered its second decade with wholesale repression, systematically detaining and punishing peaceful critics...

The Painter Whose Canvases Have Hidden Messages

Welcome to the T List, a newsletter from the editors of T Magazine. Each week, we share things we’re eating, wearing, listening to or...

UN Claims to Strengthen Battle Against Racism in Workplace—Amid Reservations

Civil Society, Democracy, Featured, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, International Justice, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations UN Staff Honour Colleagues...

Guided by the light: Photos from Latin America and the Caribbean,...

Caracas, Venezuela´s capital city, which lies about 60 km away from the Caribbean Sea. The mountain is Cerro Ávila (alternatively, Waraira Repano), a national...

Young Mozambicans lose patience with entrenched ruling party

In the Mozambican capital of Maputo, demonstrators protested Wednesday against the inauguration of their new president, Daniel Chapo. His election had been rigged, they...

Phased Gaza ceasefire deal is announced between Israel and Hamas

Negotiators reached a phased deal Wednesday to end the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, the United States and Qatar said, after 15...

‘I Won’t Let My Future Burn’: Protesters Arrested at Fracking CEO...

While senators questioned Chris Wright—the CEO of Liberty Energy, a fracking company, and President-elect Donald Trump's pick to be the next secretary of energy—10...

How Big Oil Lobbied Its Way Out of Accountability for the...

As devastating wildfires continue to burn in the Los Angeles region on Wednesday—placing tens of thousand of Californians under evacuation orders and causing over...

Climate Liar and Fracking CEO Chris Wright Pilloried Ahead of Confirmation...

With the U.S. Senate holding confirmation hearings for several of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet nominees on Wednesday, climate organizers were joined by progressive...

IABC Africa Partners With the Global Alliance and WHO QualityRights

The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Africa has partnered with the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management in support of the...

Smile Shack Welcomes Dr. Nicole Francisco and Dr. Vanesza Robles Salas

We're so excited to welcome Dr. Nicole Francisco...

Top Maties Studens Selected for Internship at R17 Ventures

R17 Ventures AG, an international digital performance marketing agency, has announced the addition of five interns to its Cape Town office at the V&A...

Top Maties Students Selected for Internship at R17 Ventures

R17 Ventures AG, an international digital performance marketing agency, has announced the addition of five interns to its Cape Town office at the V&A...

Mozambique Is at a Crossroads as a New President Is Sworn...

Decades ago, Mozambique’s liberation party, Frelimo, easily attracted adoring crowds. The promise of salvation from Portuguese colonizers, and a life with jobs and housing...

Mustadafin Foundation Launches Stationery Drive to Tackle Education Inequality

The Mustadafin Foundation has announced the launch of its annual stationery drive. This drive is a beacon of hope for young learners. Through this...

African Countries Urged to Plug Wealth Loss, Stop Illicit Financial Flows

Africa, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Featured, Financial Crisis, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations, Trade & Investment Africa Plugging illicit financial flows...

Nexflix struggles to adapt to Africa’s cinema market

Photo of a lady calling the slate on a film set in Lagos Nigeria. Image by FridayFilmboy from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed).In 2020, Netflix,...

Remittances Vs Philanthropy – a Development Practitioner’s Perspective

Africa, Development & Aid, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals Opinion Remittances offer something philanthropy cannot: autonomy. Families receiving remittances decide how best to allocate those funds,...

Nobel Laureates Join Call for Ramped Up Food Production to Avert...

A group of some of the world's foremost thinkers is sounding the alarm on the globe's looming "hunger catastrophe" and are calling for "moonshot"...

Food hygiene rating upgraded at popular steak restaurant

Kenzo 72 in Old Town, which previously held a food hygiene rating of three, was re-inspected on December 18, 2024 and the...

Totalsports Extends Title Sponsorship of the Two Oceans Marathon

Totalsports has announced the extension of its title sponsorship for the Two Oceans Marathon for an additional three years, running from 2025 to 2027....

Inaugural SME South Africa Funding Summit to Take Place in June

SME South Africa has announced that the SME South Africa Funding Summit 2025 is set to take place on Thursday, 12 June at The Empire Conference...

Laureates Call For Moonshot Innovation Effort to Avert Hunger Catastrophe

Active Citizens, Africa, Civil Society, Climate Change, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Food and Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, Global, Headlines, Humanitarian...

43 Lawmakers Back Youth in Climate Case Against US Government

Dozens of members of Congress on Monday submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting 21 youth plaintiffs who launched a historic...

‘Abominable’: Trump and GOP Float Tying Los Angeles Wildfire Aid to...

The deputy national director of the Working Families Party had sharp words for a group of House Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump, who, according...

‘I Believe He Would Approve’: Charles Darwin’s Grave Graffitied in Climate...

Two activists with the group Just Stop Oil on Monday used orange spray chalk paint to write "1.5 Is Dead" on the gravestone of...

US Supreme Court Rejects Big Oil Attacks on Hawaii Climate Lawsuit

Climate campaigners and scientists on Monday welcomed the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to reject attempts by fossil fuel giants to quash the Hawaii capital's lawsuit...

The Year 2024: Hopes & Despairs

Active Citizens, Armed Conflicts, Climate Change, Crime & Justice, Environment, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Migration & Refugees, TerraViva United Nations Opinion SYDNEY, Jan...

Spas of America Reveals Top 100 Spas of 2024: The Spa...

"We've seen a resurgence in consumers rediscovering their...

This Part of Mozambique Was Like Paradise. Now It’s a Terrorist...

In October, we traveled to the Cabo Delgado Province in northern Mozambique to understand how terrorists who claim an affiliation with the Islamic State...

Marquis Who’s Who Honors Elizabeth Roulette Baseler, MS, for Expertise Research...

    UNION BRIDGE, MD, January 12, 2025 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Elizabeth Roulette Baseler, MS, has been selected for inclusion in Marquis Who's Who. As in all...

The eateries that failed to impress food hygiene inspectors

According to the latest ratings provided 23 of Swindon's eateries received a rating of one out of five at their most recent inspection. ...

Dwight Douglas Bowman, PhD, Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime...

    NEW YORK, NY, January 11, 2025 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Marquis Who's Who, the world's premier publisher of biographical profiles, is proud to present Dwight Douglas...

Philip Berry Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award...

    FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, January 11, 2025 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Marquis Who's Who, the world's premier publisher of biographical profiles, is proud to present Philip Berry...

Trade Partnerships Offer Hope Against Deforestation

Asia-Pacific, Development & Aid, Environment, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals Opinion Woodlands in nearly every forested country face threats from climate-change-driven fires and deforestation pressures fueled...

Total Devastation as LA Suffers What Could Be ‘Costliest Wildfire Disaster...

"Will this be the event that finally wakes everyone up?" wondered climate scientist Peter Kalmus on Thursday, with Los Angeles in its third day...

The National Guard has arrived to help Los Angeles. How you...

Editor’s note: This article mentions organizations that are trying to help people affected by the wildfires in California, but it is not an endorsement...

‘Insatiable Greed’: Richest 1% Have Already Burned Through Their Carbon Limit...

An Oxfam analysis published Friday shows that the richest 1% of the global population has already blown through its global carbon budget for 2025—just...

ENGIE South Africa Receives SET Label

ENGIE South Africa has been awarded the Sustainable Energy Transition (SET) label certification by Bureau Veritas. ENGIE says that this milestone highlights its continued...

UN DESA Releases Report on Global Economic Development

Armed Conflicts, Climate Change, Economy & Trade, Environment, Financial Crisis, Global, Headlines, Labour, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Press Briefing on Launch of...

Jimmy Carter lauded for humility and service in Washington before being...

By BILL BARROW and CHRIS MEGERIAN - Associated Press ...

Firefighters make progress slowing wildfires while Los Angeles grapples with devastation

LOS ANGELES — More than 4,000 structures have been destroyed in the Eaton Fire in the Los Angeles area, as thousands more have burned...

The Latest: Jimmy Carter’s motorcade greeted by crowds in his hometown

WASHINGTON (AP) — Jimmy Carter was celebrated Thursday for his personal humility and public service before, during and after his presidency during a funeral...