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The Climate Generation: Our landmark series, one year later

One year after publishing our seven-part series, Monitor reporters Sara Miller Llana and Stephanie Hanes follow up with the activists and adapters, challengers and...

Sloom Launches ‘NapBot’ to Help Combat South Africa’s Sleep Crisis

Sloom, South Africa's first and only modular mattress company, has announced that it has launched the 'NapBot' — which could help sleep-deprived South Africans...

Hardest-hit Nigeria is latest African country to provide malaria vaccine to...

BAYELSA, Nigeria -- Ominike Marvis has lost count of the number of times her 6-year-old son has had malaria. So when Nigeria started offering...

When Ousted Leaders Seek Safe Havens to Escape Jail Time &...

Democracy, Featured, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations View of Aleppo, December 2024, a city in Syria, which...

10 Good News Stories for Kids in 2024

At the end of each year, Human Rights Watch likes to take stock of human rights progress for children around the globe. From strengthening...

Syria: Post-Assad Transition Should Center Human Rights

(Beirut) – The ousting of Bashar al-Assad’s government by armed opposition groups has created a momentous opportunity for Syria to break with decades of...

In Nigeria’s lithium boom, many mines are illegal and children do...

NASARAWA, Nigeria -- Dressed in a faded pink dress, 6-year-old Juliet Samaniya squats under scorching skies to chip at a jagged white rock with...

Takeaways from AP’s report on child labor in Nigeria lithium mines

NASARAWA, Nigeria -- Growing demand for the lithium used in batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage has created a new frontier for mining...

NYC has scores of small, specialized or quirky museums. Here are...

New York can be a magical place for museumgoers. It can also be overwhelming and overcrowded at times, especially at the biggest, most famous...

In Supreme Court Briefs, Biden DOJ Sides With Communities Suing Big...

Campaigners and experts on Wednesday welcomed the Biden administration's new briefs urging the U.S. Supreme Court not to intervene in state and local lawsuits...

It’s the Greed, Stupid!

Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Global, Headlines, Inequality, Poverty & SDGs, TerraViva United Nations Food and Agriculture Human activity has degraded over 70% of...

Once Scattered by Colonialism, Today United in Urgent Pursuit of Climate...

Africa, Armed Conflicts, Climate Change, Climate Change Finance, Climate Change Justice, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, Migration & Refugees, Small Island Developing...

HOT 102.7FM Launches 2024 ‘Hot Cares Christmas’ Initiative

HOT 102.7FM has announced that a 51-year-old Blairgowrie man has been given the gift of sight this festive season, thanks to the generosity of...


Nonfiction 1. Main Street Millionaire by Codie Sanchez, narrated by the author (Penguin Audio)2. Atomic Habits by James Clear, narrated by the author (Penguin...

Nature Can Help Africa Make the Most of COP29 Outcomes

Environment, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Africa can leapfrog to clean energy, reducing emissions while expanding access to affordable electricity. Credit: Isaiah...

European Marketing Confederation Partners With African Marketing Confederation

The European Marketing Confederation (EMC) has partnered with the African Marketing Confederation (AMC) to enhance the global marketing landscape through a strategic partnership focused...

FAO Renews Its Commitment to Right to Food Guidelines

Aid, Armed Conflicts, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Economy & Trade, Food and Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, Food Sustainability, Global, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Inequality,...

Water Shortages Hit Zimbabwe Towns as Country Struggles To Overcome Impact...

Africa, Climate Change, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations, Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation “Cooling” La Niña conditions...

To What Extent is Bangladesh’s Hindu Population Under Attack?

Asia-Pacific, Crime & Justice, Featured, Gender Violence, Headlines, Human Rights, Religion, TerraViva United Nations Large numbers of Bangladeshi Hindus protested for recognition and protection...

Africa’s Time – Delivering Transformation via Innovation

Africa, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Small Island Developing States, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion The African Continental...

In Zimbabwe, Women Are Leading the Battle Against Climate Change

Africa, Africa Climate Wire, Civil Society, Climate Change, Combating Desertification and Drought, Development & Aid, Environment, Featured, Food and Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition,...

After Juan Soto’s megadeal, could MLB see a $1 billion contract?...

For the second straight Major League Baseball offseason, a norm-shattering contract has been the talk of the winter, with Juan Soto agreeing with the...

‘Landmark Victory’: US Proposes Endangered Species Protections for Monarch Butterfly

Biodiversity defenders on Tuesday welcomed a "long overdue" move by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service toward protecting the monarch butterfly under the Endangered...

Pesticide Scorecard Exposes Which Food Retailers Are Failing Bees

A report released Tuesday from the environmental group Friends of the Earth finds that the U.S. food retail sector's use of pesticides on just...

Arctic Tundra Has Turned From ‘Carbon Sink to Carbon Source’ in...

Permafrost in the Arctic has stored carbon dioxide for millennia, but the annual Arctic Report Card released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...

Extreme Weather Fueled by Climate Crisis Cost Insurers $600 Billion

A report out Tuesday shows that the fossil fuel-driven climate emergency accounts for an estimated $600 billion of global insured weather losses over a...

Squat lobsters and filtering fungi: Discoveries from the ocean deep to...

Barcelona’s subway system is the latest to salvage energy from its trains as they come to a stopUsing regenerative braking, a train’s motor runs...

This Year Saw Most of the World Repressed – but in...

Civil Society, Democracy, Featured, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations Opinion No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest,...

‘People Power Works’: Shell Backs Down in Anti-Protest Lawsuit Against Greenpeace

The United Kingdom-based oil giant Shell agreed Tuesday to settle a major lawsuit the company brought against Greenpeace after activists from the group boarded...

The Power of Curiosity: When Technology and Traditional Marketing Meet

We are in an era marked by rapid technological advancements and an ever-shifting customer landscape. The role of traditional marketing within this is undergoing...

No State Is Truly Independent if It Suffers Significant Injury Without...

Africa, Asia-Pacific, Climate Change, Climate Change Justice, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Featured, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, Latin America &...

The MediaShop Wins Media Agency of the Year at the 2024...

The MediaShop has announced that it has been awarded Media Agency of the Year at the 2024 AdFocus Awards. This marks the second consecutive year...

Navigating the Digital Shift: How Media House Restructuring in South Africa...

The recent wave of media house restructures in South Africa — including the sale of Media24's distribution business, and several of its community newspapers...

The Love Trust Celebrates 2024 Milestones

As 2024 ends, The Love Trust's Nokuphila School has celebrated another year of impact and new milestones. From welcoming its first year of high...

Disney Sparks Joy With Chari-Trees

Following the launch of Disney Africa's retail campaign 'Spark Joy This Holiday' last month, Disney has announced an expanded Chari-Tree initiative. This year, the...

Pacific Community Calls Out Urgency of Climate Loss and Damage Finance...

Asia-Pacific, Climate Change Finance, Climate Change Justice, Conferences, COP29, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, PACIFIC COMMUNITY, Pacific...

South Africa’s Simba Chips Powered by Penetron Anti-Microbial Concrete Protection from...

Penetron was the preferred concrete waterproofing and protection...

Time to Get Creative About Raising Standards in the Creative Industry

South Africa's meagre clutch of awards at the 2024 Cannes Festival of Creativity — a platform where our agencies have previously had a good...

MultiChoice Talent Factory nurtures next-gen African filmmakers

Three MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) academies across Africa have celebrated the graduation of another group of film and TV professionals. This new cohort of...

‘For the Human Race, Ignoring the Climate Emergency Is No Longer...

Asia-Pacific, Climate Action, Climate Change, Climate Change Justice, Editors' Choice, Featured, Global, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, PACIFIC COMMUNITY, Pacific Community Climate Wire, Small Island Developing...

Poland: Brutal Pushbacks at Belarus Border

Polish law enforcement is unlawfully, and sometimes violently, forcing people trying to enter the country back to Belarus without considering their protection needs.Poland’s inhumane and illegal pushbacks...

Sudan: War Crimes in South Kordofan

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allied Arab militias carried out numerous abuses against civilians in Habila county in Sudan’s South Kordofan state from...

Is the CFP bracket fair? Here are some tweaks that would...

The committee that chose the 12 contenders for college football's national title was only worried about one thing — ranking the teams.Where those teams...

Green, Indigenous Groups Warns Arctic Still at Grave Drilling Risk When...

Wildlife protection groups and Indigenous leaders in Alaska said Monday that they would push to discourage bidding in an oil and gas lease sale...

What next for leaderless Syria, once the Mideast’s hub?

The collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria is the Middle East equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It left the region’s...

How a revered starchy side dish helped choose Ghana’s next president

Want to understand why opposition candidate John Mahama was elected president of Ghana this weekend?Look no further than the country’s favorite food, a fermented...

2024 Still on Track to Be First Full Year That Breached...

Data from the first 11 months of 2024 reaffirmed that the globe is set to pass a grim mile stone this year, according to...

Hyprop Wraps Up Another Year of Partnering With the Santa Shoebox...

Hyprop has celebrated another year of partnership with the Santa Shoebox Project. Throughout 2024, Hyprop's eight malls have donated a total of 74 751...

iSchoolAfrica Disability and Inclusion Programme Wins Zero Project Award 2025

iSchoolAfrica has been named one of the winners of the Zero Project Award 2025 for its Disability and Inclusion Programme. The Zero Project has...

Greenovate Awards 2024 Celebrate Student Innovation in Sustainability

Growthpoint Properties (JSE: GRT) and the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) have announced the winners of the Greenovate Awards 2024 at a gala...

South Africa’s G20 Presidency: A Call for Transformative Leadership in a...

Civil Society, Climate Action, Climate Change, Climate Change Justice, Economy & Trade, Environment, Gender, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Inequality, Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva...

Five glorious art books bring the gallery to your couch

Beautifully produced art books provide a feast for the eyes.The imagery in our five selections runs the gamut from subtle watercolors and prints to...

Engen Launches Menstrual Care Campaign

In a drive to support young female learners, Engen has announced that it has launched a new menstrual care campaign that provides girls in...

Brooklyn District Attorney Shuts Down NFT Scam Sites After Artist Loses...

Key Takeaways The Virtual Currency Unit of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office has seized and shut down 40 fraudulent websites that were posing as NFT...

ISFAP Celebrates Investment into Higher Education Students

The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) has announced the impact it has made on the lives of South African students over the past...

Bold Donor Action Urgently Needed to Give Ethiopia’s Crisis-Impacted Children a...

Active Citizens, Africa, Armed Conflicts, Children on the Frontline, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Education, Education Cannot Wait. Future of Education is here, Featured,...

Plastics, Power, and Politics: The High-Stakes Fight for a Global Treaty

Civil Society, Climate Change, Economy & Trade, Environment, Global, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Local people from Watamu, Kenya, work with Local...

Inaugural SSA MMA Smarties’ winners announced, the TFG named Brand of...

The inaugural sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) MMA Smarties' winners have been announced with The Foschini Group (TFG) named Brand of the Year and Penquin named...

UN: Deploy New Haiti Mission to Restore Security

(New York, December 9, 2024) – The United Nations Security Council should urgently authorize and rapidly deploy a full-fledged United Nations mission to Haiti, Human...

What to stream: Paris and Nicole reunite, Romano and Kudrow team...

Angelina Jolie portraying opera singer Maria Callas in the movie “Maria” and a Jamie Foxx Netflix comedy special are some of the new television,...

How farming is transforming lives for South Africa’s deaf population

At the Westonaria agricultural park near Bekkersdal, east of Johannesburg, farm workers are busy tilling the soil and planting tomatoes and lettuce. Despite the...

Insurgents advance in Syria: Army Withdraws, Assad Denies Fleeing

Insurgents' stunning march across Syria gained speed on Saturday with news that they had reached the suburbs of the capital and with the government...

Feminist literature under fire: The ‘Cometierra’ controversy in Argentina

Collage with the cover of the novel “Cometierra,” by Dolores Reyes. Image created with Canva by Global Voices.At the beginning of November, Argentine feminist...

‘Dirty and Dumb!’ Trump May Cancel Contracts to Electrify USPS Fleet

As part of President-elect Donald Trump's mission to roll back the Biden administration's climate policies, the Republican may cancel contracts to electrify the U.S....

Trump offers a public show of support for Pete Hegseth, his...

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump offered a public show of support Friday for Pete Hegseth, his choice to lead the Defense Department, whose confirmation by...

Zambia: Civil Society Fighting New Legislative Threats and Restrictive NGO Bills

Active Citizens, Africa, Civil Society, Crime & Justice, Development & Aid, Headlines, Human Rights, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Credit: Alex Berger in North Western ZambiaLUSAKA,...

Nonprofit Completes Historic ‘Neighbors Serving Neighbors’ Clean Water Project

Diarrheal disease is preventable and yet it remains...

African Union, Nations Lay Bare Climate Vulnerabilities at UN’s Top Court

Caribbean Climate Wire, Climate Change, Climate Change Justice, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Climate...

Blue Ribbon Sponsors Re.Bag.Re.Use

Blue Ribbon has announced its sponsorship of Re.Bag.Re.Use, a community project that transforms empty bread bags into crocheted, multifunctional items. What began in Hout...

Senior Government Biometrics Executive Joins FaceTec Team

John joins an exceptionally talented FaceTec team. He...

In Pictures: Old Town Christmas Festival 2024

The Old Town Christmas Festival had been rescheduled from Sunday, November 24 to Sunday, December 1 following flooding during Storm Bert and...

China’s ban on key high-tech materials could have broad impact on...

BANGKOK -- China has banned exports of key materials used to make a wide range of products, including smartphones, electric vehicles, radar systems and...

SABC Radio Portfolio Wins at Telkom Radio Awards

The South African Broadcasting Corporation's (SABC) radio stations have won 25 awards at the Telkom Radio Awards. The event took place on Saturday, 30...

UNCCD COP16 Raises Hopes for Ambitious Global Land Action

Combating Desertification and Drought, Conferences, Conservation, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Food and Agriculture, Gender, Global, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, Migration & Refugees,...