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Scoreboard: Montana Girls High School Wrestling Rankings (Jan. 10)

Montana Girls High School Wrestling Rankings100: Angelina Escarcega, Poplar; Wai Fandrich, Lockwood; Emmalyn Miller, Baker; Gracie Bingen, Huntley Project; Katelyn Sphuler, Kalispell Glacier; Ciri Nice,...

Trade Partnerships Offer Hope Against Deforestation

Asia-Pacific, Development & Aid, Environment, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals Opinion Woodlands in nearly every forested country face threats from climate-change-driven fires and deforestation pressures fueled...

Total Devastation as LA Suffers What Could Be ‘Costliest Wildfire Disaster...

"Will this be the event that finally wakes everyone up?" wondered climate scientist Peter Kalmus on Thursday, with Los Angeles in its third day...

The National Guard has arrived to help Los Angeles. How you...

Editor’s note: This article mentions organizations that are trying to help people affected by the wildfires in California, but it is not an endorsement...

Unlocking SDG Success: How Better Data Can Develop Africa

Africa, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Featured, Financial Crisis, Headlines, Poverty & SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Oliver Chinganya,...

UN DESA Releases Report on Global Economic Development

Armed Conflicts, Climate Change, Economy & Trade, Environment, Financial Crisis, Global, Headlines, Labour, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Press Briefing on Launch of...

Jimmy Carter lauded for humility and service in Washington before being...

By BILL BARROW and CHRIS MEGERIAN - Associated Press ...

Firefighters make progress slowing wildfires while Los Angeles grapples with devastation

LOS ANGELES — More than 4,000 structures have been destroyed in the Eaton Fire in the Los Angeles area, as thousands more have burned...

The Latest: Jimmy Carter’s motorcade greeted by crowds in his hometown

WASHINGTON (AP) — Jimmy Carter was celebrated Thursday for his personal humility and public service before, during and after his presidency during a funeral...

What I saw in LA-area fire evacuations: Caring for people and...

Living in California, I’ve read a lot about disaster preparedness, seen it covered on TV, and even reported on it as the Monitor’s West...

Key question as Venezuela prepares for inauguration: Who is the next...

The Venezuelan government is preparing to inaugurate President Nicolás Maduro for his third term in office Friday. But the political opposition, whose candidate many...

As Apocalyptic Fires Torch LA, Climate Campaigners Say ‘Big Oil Did...

As massive wildfires continued ripping through Los Angeles on Thursday, leaving utter devastation in their wake, climate campaigners said blame for the infernos ultimately...

NOAA says La Nina ocean cooling has finally arrived, but it’s...

A long-awaited La Nina has finally appeared, but the periodic cooling of Pacific Ocean waters is weak and unlikely to cause as many weather...

Good Hope FM Announces New Voices

Good Hope FM has announced that it has added new members to its team. Over the festive season, Good Hope FM's listeners heard some...

Developing Countries are Being Choked by Debt: This Could be the...

Africa, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Featured, Headlines, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Credit: Asian Peoples’ Movement...

Amid LA Inferno, Home Insurers Under Fire for Policy Cancellations

As deadly wildfire incinerated more than 1,000 homes and other structures in Los Angeles County this week, insurance companies are sparking outrage for...

Colombia’s Historic Child Marriage Ban

Civil Society, Education, Featured, Gender, Gender Violence, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Latin America & the Caribbean, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations,...

Gerety Awards Announces 2025 Jury Presidents

The Gerety Awards has announced the 15 Jury Presidents that will serve in the Executive Jury Sessions for the 2025 awards. Prerna Mehra will serve as...

5FM Appoints Busisiwe Phakathi as Marketing Manager

5FM has announced the appointment of Busisiwe Phakathi as Marketing Manager. Phakathi officially joined the station on Wednesday, 1 January. Phakathi holds a BA degree...

Sudan’s Humanitarian Crisis Expected to Worsen in 2025

Africa, Aid, Armed Conflicts, Crime & Justice, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Migration & Refugees, TerraViva United Nations The United Nations Security Council...

New cafe and cake shop opening in place of former cocktail...

The former home of the 1101 Cocktail Bar at 96 Victoria Road is being transformed into a new venture. The team...

Stories from a flooded planet: The impacts of floods from the...

Image by Giovana FleckPorto Alegre, Brazil – by Giovana Fleck “It's worse than the pandemic,” a friend told me on a call. He was phoning...

Disaster by the Numbers: The Crisis in Sudan

A civil war in Sudan that has killed 150,000 people and forced more than 11 million others from their homes, by some estimates, prompted...

War shut down Sudan’s universities. But its students refused to give...

Since civil war broke out in Sudan in April 2023, it has dealt the country's higher education system a catastrophic blow. Universities have been...

Genocidal President, Genocidal Politics

Armed Conflicts, Crime & Justice, Featured, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Middle East & North Africa, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Displaced Palestinians...

Current Financing for Development Priorities Today

Aid, Climate Action, Climate Change, Development & Aid, Environment, Financial Crisis, Global, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jan 7...

Esu is not satan: A Yoruba campaign against religious discrimination

Yoruba traditional religion adherents during ÈṢÙ is not Satan walk in Osogbo. Photo by Iyanifa Egbetunmise, used with permission.On December 24, Yoruba traditional religion...

Justin Trudeau is out. For Canadians, it’s not really a surprise.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement Monday that he’s resigning as leader of Canada’s Liberal Party comes as a shock for many abroad. “I cannot...

NRG Systems’ Bat Deterrent Technology, Paired with Curtailment, Reduces Bat Fatalities...

"Our findings underscore the value of acoustic deterrents...

In pursuit of a modern capital, Ethiopian leader razes history

One evening in late October last year, hundreds of concertgoers streamed into the Fendika Cultural Center, dressed to the nines for an evening out...

‘Epic Ocean Victory’: Biden Permanently Bans Offshore Drilling Across 625 Million...

Outgoing President Joe Biden on Monday moved to permanently ban offshore oil and gas drilling across more than 625 million acres of U.S. coastal...

Eurasia Group publishes “Top Risks” predictions for 2025: “The G-Zero world...

The G-Zero wins, Top Risk #1, describes an emerging era in which no one power or group of powers drives the global agenda and...

GTP Unveils New Waste Collection Trolley Design

The Greater Tygerberg Partnership (GTP) has unveiled innovative new trolleys designed to make waste collection easier, safer and more efficient. The trolleys were developed...

The most Secret Memory of Men and the Disgraceful Condemnation of...

Africa, Arts, Crime & Justice, Globalisation, Headlines, Religion, TerraViva United Nations Opinion STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan 6 2025 (IPS) - In 2021, the Senegalese novelist...

Will Trump Seize the Opportunity for an Israeli-Palestinian Breakthrough?

Armed Conflicts, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, Middle East & North Africa, TerraViva United Nations Opinion The Separation Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and...

Vermont Sued for New Law Requiring Big Oil to Pay for...

The US Chamber of Commerce and the American Petroleum Institute - representing the biggest fossil fuel companies in the world - are suing the...

NINE roadworks to expect in Swindon over next eight weeks

The affected roads are: B4019 Highworth Road (Blunsdon to Highworth) - 6 to 10 January Grove Hill, Highworth – 5...

Jimmy Carter’s state funeral started Saturday. Here is what to know

ATLANTA — Six days of funeral observances for former President Jimmy Carter begin Saturday in Georgia, where he died on Dec. 29 at age 100.The first...

Should the US give visas to highly skilled immigrants? Unpacking the...

If ever there were poster children for the benefits of immigration, they would be the highly skilled foreign workers employed by American high-tech companies.Their...

In Kenya, community health volunteers fight for pay and status

In a small house in western Kenya, Millicent Miruka sits across from a young couple and their sleeping baby, Joy.Does Joy have a birth...

Tanzania’s Disaster Preparedness: A Nation on Edge

Africa, Climate Change, Disaster Management, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Sustainable Development Goals The recent collapse of a...

A Renewed Vision for Prosperity for Landlocked Developing Countries

Civil Society, Climate Change, Climate Change Justice, Development & Aid, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Least Developed Countries, Natural Resources, Small...

Longleat House announces price freeze and new attractions for 2025

The Wiltshire estate has  access to Longleat House will be added to day tickets. The stately home, which is more than 450...

Morgan Stanley Latest Wall Street Giant to Ditch Net-Zero Coalition

On Thursday, the Wall Street titan Morgan Stanley became the latest financial institution to leave the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, a United Nations-convened group of...

Peace through compassionate justice

At the outset of the new year, assessments of global security warn that conflict is spreading across more countries worldwide and a new scramble...

These Memphis icons bolster Black radio – and their communities

Bev Johnson has been in radio for nearly 50 years.“There are so many stories,” she says of her tenure in the business. She is...

A Half-Ton Piece of Space Junk Falls Onto a Village in...

A glowing ring of metal, more than eight feet in diameter and weighing more than 1,100 pounds, fell from the sky and crash landed...

The Mozambique Song, and Rapper, Inspiring a Youth Uprising

The young men huddled around a parked car, bobbing to a beat that thumped from the speakers. It was an energetic and catchy rap...

‘Digital platforms amplify the Israeli narrative while systematically silencing Palestinian voices’

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Crime & Justice, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Middle East & North Africa, Migration & Refugees, Press Freedom, TerraViva United Nations ...

Education Cannot Wait Interviews UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of...

Crime & Justice, Education, Education Cannot Wait. Future of Education is here, Gender, Gender Violence, Human Rights Jan 2 2025 -  Richard Bennett was...

Methods of Persuasion in Marketing Explained

The core purpose of marketing is to persuade consumers to take desirable action. Human decision-making can be influenced in many ways, including the three...

A Staunch Ally in Africa Says French Forces Will Withdraw

Ivory Coast has announced that French forces will withdraw from its territory, following in the footsteps of several other West African countries and further...

Who Will Save Nigeria’s Coastal City on the Brink of Extinction?

Africa, Aid, Civil Society, Climate Change, Climate Change Finance, Climate Change Justice, COP29, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian...

Remembering Jimmy Carter: a UN Perspective

Armed Conflicts, Children on the Frontline, Civil Society, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse,...

CGTN AMERICA & CCTV UN: Ringing in 2025, China vows to...

CGTN America & CCTV UN releases "Ringing in 2025, China vows to bring more smiles to its people" On New Year's Eve, Chinese President...

The world welcomes 2025 with light shows, embraces and ice plunges


Plaintiffs File Landmark Lawsuit Against Don King Productions for Fraud, Defamation,...

The Ultimate "crabs in the bucket" Approach... ...

SoundExchange’s 2024 Top Tracks & Breakout Creators Revealed

"I am always impressed with the wide-ranging styles...

New year ‘another chance to get it right’ — Lincoln Journal...

The new year has a certain cleanliness to it in resetting the calendar, though it may take three months of writing the wrong year...

How ‘Trophy’ Videos Link Paramilitary Commanders to War Crimes in Sudan

“The people are running away from the bombing. People are dying. We just send this to the nation to see what is happening...

Three year fight to save Grade-II listed pub pays off with...

The Hop Pole in Limpley Stoke will open its doors to the public at 4pm on January 25, marking the first time...

Israel has a Houthi missile problem. It’s stuck finding a solution.

Israelis had begun to feel life take a turn toward what passes for normal during wartime. In Gaza, the fighting with Hamas has been...

How one border community shows goodwill toward migrants this holiday season

Nativity pageants reenacting the centuries-old story of Mary and Joseph looking for shelter before the birth of Jesus have been central to Christmas season...

What Were the Most Expensive Climate Disasters of 2024?

Climate disasters aren't cheap. In 2024, the 10 costliest extreme weather events not only extracted a toll in the form of human lives, but...

Swindon restaurants and big businesses we lost in 2024

While the town centre saw some big names and local start-ups shut for good struggling businesses in other areas of Swindon were also...

Jimmy Carter’s Quiet but Monumental Work in Global Health

Jimmy Carter’s five decades of leadership in global health brought a hideous disease to the brink of elimination, helped deliver basic health and sanitation...

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president and a Nobel Peace Prize recipient,...

ATLANTA — Jimmy Carter, the peanut farmer who won the presidency in the wake of the Watergate scandal and Vietnam War, endured humbling defeat after one...

For Jimmy Carter, a life of service, defined by faith

On a March evening in 1976, when Jimmy Carter was mingling in the living room of a political supporter in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, someone...

South Africa’s air pollution crisis: Contributing factors and solutions

Sasol Secunda Facility emissions. Image by AntimatterMachine from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed).By Grace Kobare African cities are growing rapidly, with over 65 percent of the continent's...

IPS – Year End Video, 2024

Armed Conflicts, Climate Change, Crime & Justice, Education, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Migration & Refugees, Multimedia, Video Dec 28 2024 -  The world’s troubles...

The rise of compressed natural gas as an alternative fuel in...

Screenshot of  CNG conversion centre in Abuja from Youtube video, ‘Nigeria rolls out Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)  conversion kits nationwide’ by CGTN Africa. Fair...

South African retrospective exhibition honors the colorful work of artist Esther...

JOHANNESBURG -- A boldly patterned BMW stands at the entrance of the Wits Arts Museum in the vibrant Johannesburg neighborhood of Braamfontein.Its bright geometric...

Sportscaster Greg Gumbel dies from cancer at age 78

NEW YORK — Greg Gumbel, a longtime CBS sportscaster, died from cancer, according to a statement from family released by CBS on Friday. He...