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Scoreboard: Montana Girls High School Wrestling Rankings (Dec. 27)

Montana Girls High School Wrestling Rankings100: Angelina Escarcega, Poplar; Wai Fandrich, Lockwood; Victoria Tenney, Billings Skyview; Ronelle LaForge, Billings Senior; Ciri Nice, Polson; Emmalyn Miller,...

Trucks Carrying Aid Finally Reach Sudan’s War-Torn Capital Region

The largest convoy of food and medical aid to reach Sudan’s battered capital region since the start of the civil war finally arrived this...

Trump’s tech allies and MAGA base clash over visas for skilled...

An online spat between factions of Donald Trump’s supporters over immigration and the tech industry has thrown internal divisions in his political movement into...

An online debate over foreign workers in tech shows tensions in...

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- An online spat between factions of Donald Trump's supporters over immigration and the tech industry has thrown internal divisions...

‘We fall and we rise’: Some amputees in Sierra Leone turn...

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone -- Lahai Makieu struck the bamboo with a machete until it cracked and fell. Balancing on his crutch, he reached to...

Climate change added 41 days of dangerous heat around world in...

People around the world suffered an average of 41 extra days of dangerous heat this year because of human-caused climate change, according to a...

‘Major Victory’: New Law Makes NY Second State to Hold Big...

Climate advocates in New York on Thursday celebrated a "massive win" for working people, youth, and the climate as Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul made...

Latin America ends the year with rock ‘n’ roll, salsa, and...

Illustration by Global VoicesMusic for Christmas and New Year's Eve in Latin America is as diverse as its people and landscapes. These songs and...

This Year’s Three UN Summits Set the Stage for COP30 to...

Biodiversity, Climate Action, Climate Change, Combating Desertification and Drought, Environment, Food and Agriculture, Food Sustainability, Global, Green Economy, Headlines, TerraViva United Nations Opinion 12 November...

Civil Society Trends for 2025: Nine Global Challenges, One Reason for...

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Climate Action, Climate Change, Crime & Justice, Economy & Trade, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Labour, LGBTQ, Migration &...

Soprano Angel Blue sings her first Metropolitan Opera ‘Aida’ in a...

If she has the voice of an angel, and the face of an angel, she must be an Angel.Angel Blue, that is.The American soprano,...

Innovative Financing to Unlock Africa’s Blue Economy

Africa, Biodiversity, Conservation, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Natural Resources, Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Mangroves, Madagascar. Credit: Rod Waddington  As part of the...

‘It’s Very Tough’: Turning Youth Employment Dreams Into Reality

Active Citizens, Civil Society, Economy & Trade, Editors' Choice, Europe, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Labour, Middle East & North Africa, Population, Sustainable...

Efforts to end AIDS in children receive major boost with the...

South Africa’s fight to end AIDS in children has received a major boost with the launch of the first provincial Global Alliance chapter in...

Trapped on a Runaway Train: Looking Back on 2024

Armed Conflicts, Biodiversity, Climate Action, Climate Change, Crime & Justice, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Migration & Refugees, TerraViva United...

Water Deprivation Looms in Gaza

Crime & Justice, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Middle East & North Africa, Migration & Refugees, TerraViva United Nations Thirteen generators were distributed from the...

Vodacom Announces ‘V-Up Baby Names’ Initiative

Vodacom has announced that it is offering new parents the chance to win up to R25 000 as part of its 'V-Up Summer' campaign....

Social Media for Event Promotion: Strategies That Work

Promoting an event successfully in South Africa requires tapping into the platforms where people are most active. With over 26 million South Africans actively...

UNAIDS – partnerships for country led and country owned data system:...

There is an urgent need to address inequities in global health practices, including how data are collected and used. In the case of HIV...

Food Crises Intensify in Winter Ravaged War Zones

Active Citizens, Aid, Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Europe, Featured, Food and Agriculture, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Middle...

Japanese Bank Criticized for Financing Mozambique LNG Project Blamed for Displacement

Africa, Armed Conflicts, Climate Change, Development & Aid, Energy, Environment, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Climate Change A village...

Stolen base king Rickey Henderson dies at 65

OAKLAND, Calif. — Hall of Famer Rickey Henderson, the brash speedster who shattered stolen base records and redefined baseball's leadoff position, has died. He...

Congress passes funding bill, averting a government shutdown

Facing a government shutdown deadline, the Senate rushed through final passage early Saturday of a bipartisan plan that would temporarily fund federal operations and...

Egypt’s Catastrophic Draft Criminal Procedure Code

This week, Egypt’s parliament rushed to approve, “in principle,” a government proposed draft bill to replace the country’s 1950 Criminal Procedure Code.The Lawyers’ Syndicate, the Journalists’ Syndicate, human rights organizations including...

We Can and Must Do Our Best

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Crime & Justice, Education, Education Cannot Wait. Future of Education is here, Gender Violence, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Migration &...

These Billion Humans Simply Do Not Exist

Development & Aid, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Inequality, Migration & Refugees, Population, Poverty & SDGs, TerraViva United Nations Population The IOM estimates that one billion...

Building country-led sustainable HIV responses

What does the HIV response look like beyond the 2030 targets to end AIDS? For the past year, UNAIDS has been working with partners...

ACA Calls for 2025 Advertising Agency Internship Programme Applications

The Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA), in partnership with the Media Diversity and Development Agency (MDDA) and the Economic Development Fund (EFD), has...

Emerging Trends Expected in 2025

Rapid technological innovation, shifting societal priorities and a heightened focus on sustainability from businesses across all sectors are shaping the global landscape as we...

Our writers recall their most memorable Christmas gifts – and the...

“The fastest, coolest kid in the schoolyard”I remember one of the best gifts that my grandmother ever gave me for Christmas. It was a...

UN Commits to Supporting Syria in Political Transition, Adapting Humanitarian Support

Aid, Armed Conflicts, Democracy, Editors' Choice, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Middle East & North Africa, Peace, Sustainable Development...

The Land of Immigrants to Deport Thousands of Refugees & Asylum...

Featured, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Migration & Refugees, TerraViva United Nations Migration & Refugees Credit: Office of the...

Trump backs new GOP plan to fund government and raise debt...

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump claimed "success" Thursday in coming up with a new plan to fund the government and suspend the debt ceiling...

boon Secures $20.5M in Funding and Launches AI Workflow Platform to...

"Given the crucial nature of logistics, we are...

Blinken announces aid for Sudan and talks about AI risks at...

UNITED NATIONS -- Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced $200 million in humanitarian aid for conflict-torn Sudan during what is likely his final trip...

What Does the End of Assad’s Regime Mean for Syria and...

Armed Conflicts, Crime & Justice, Global Geopolitics, Headlines, Human Rights, Middle East & North Africa, Migration & Refugees, TerraViva United Nations The United Nations...

New Biden Emissions Targets Seen as No Match for Looming Trump...

With U.S. President-elect Donald Trump set to take office in just over a month, green groups on Thursday greeted President Joe Biden's new climate...

HIV financial data: A transformative power to ensure sustainability of the...

Progress towards ending AIDS as a public health threat has been strongest in the countries and regions with sufficient investments in their HIV responses,...

M4Markets Ends the Year with a Milestone Partnership, Launching the New...

M4Markets has partnered with FX Back Office to launch the new M4Markets Mobile App, a user-friendly platform designed to enhance the trading experience with...

Human8 Releases 2025 What Matters Trend Report

Human8, a leading marketing insight consultancy, has announced the release of its fifth annual What Matters trend report. This year's report, titled 'Fulfilment Rewired,'...

Transformative Change Will Save a Planet in Peril—IPBES

Active Citizens, Africa, Biodiversity, Civil Society, Conservation, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Natural Resources, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United...

Why Funders Must Step Up Financing for Development in 2025

Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Featured, Global, Headlines, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion The conference will address...

‘Monumental Win’: Montana Supreme Court Upholds Decision on Youth Climate Case

Youth plaintiffs celebrated on Wednesday after the Montana Supreme Court upheld a judge's August 2023 decision that the state government's promotion of climate-wrecking fossil...

With Iran on the decline, a new axis rises in Mideast....

Turkey and Qatar are emerging as brokers and kingmakers in Syria, filling the void left by the collapse of Iranian influence in the pivotal...

A year of plentiful prose: The best books of 2024

FictionJames, by Percival Everett“With my pencil, I wrote myself into being,” asserts James in Percival Everett’s National Book Award-winning novel. This is Jim of “The...

Did Togo Reforms Entrench President Gnassingbé’s Power?

Africa, Democracy, Featured, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, TerraViva United Nations | Analysis Democracy Togo's President, Faure Gnassingbé ABUJA, Dec 18 2024 (IPS) -...

African Public Transport Struggles To Match Urban Growth

Africa, Civil Society, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Featured, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Sustainable Development Goals A congested street in Bulawayo...

SA’s Influencer Economy Is Booming and SARS Is Taking Notice

Digital marketing expenditure in South Africa is set to surpass R500-million this year and is forecasted to exceed R850-million by 2030. Luncedo Mtwentwe, Director...

Israel Continues to Attack Gaza Amid Ceasefire Negotiations

Armed Conflicts, Crime & Justice, Headlines, Human Rights, Middle East & North Africa, Migration & Refugees, TerraViva United Nations The General Assembly adopts a...

The Climate Crisis as a Diplomatic Battlefield

Climate Change, Climate Change Finance, Development & Aid, Environment, Global, Headlines, Small Island Developing States, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Harmful gasses continue...

Biden Admin Confirms Dangers of LNG Exports But Won’t Act to...

Approving more liquefied natural gas exports would raise domestic energy prices, increase the pollution burden placed on local communities, and exacerbate the climate crisis,...

The ‘Voltaire of the Arabs’ is beloved in France, but imprisoned...

France has long held up its literary tradition as a space where freedom of expression can thrive. But the Nov. 16 arrest in Algeria...

Pharrell Williams is named a UNESCO goodwill ambassador

PARIS -- Pop star and fashion designer Pharrell Williams was named UNESCO’s goodwill ambassador for artistic education and entrepreneurship on Tuesday in Paris, continuing...

Access to Education and Water Security Have Become Intertwined

The risk of running out of clean drinking water may have appeared like an extract from an apocalyptic movie. However, this scenario is becoming...

Beyond TV: How Digital Campaigns Build Awareness in a Multi-Screen World

We don't need to do much to convince clients of the value of digital as a medium for tactical, low-funnel marketing campaigns. Yet, we...

Why Zimbabweans keep watching their money go up in smoke

On the evening of Oct. 8, a fire tore through Mbare Musika, the largest market in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare. The hot yellow flames devoured...

Cameroon: Minister Suspends Prominent Human Rights Group

(Nairobi) – Cameroon’s authorities should immediately reverse the suspension of a prominent human rights group, Human Rights Watch said today. The arbitrary suspension lacks a...

A Most Heinous -Yet Unprosecuted- Crime: Inequality

Climate Change, Combating Desertification and Drought, Environment, Global, Headlines, TerraViva United Nations Combating Desertification and Drought "Without concerted efforts, billions face a future marked by...

Interlinked Solutions Key to Tackling Biodiversity, Water, Food, Health and Climate...

Africa, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Combating Desertification and Drought, Economy & Trade, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Food and Agriculture, Food Sustainability, Global, Headlines, Health, Natural...

Simply Black Wins Media Agency of the Year at Festipub 2024

Simply Black Media has announced that it has been recognised as Media Agency of the Year at Festipub 2024, an advertising and marketing festival...

inDrive Reports Surge in Demand During Black Friday

inDrive has reported that during Black Friday Week, it saw an impressive 75% surge in demand for mobility services, as consumers turned to ride-hailing...

CHEX Crypto Price Prediction: (Listed Exchanges, How to Buy, is it...

Have you heard of the CHEX token? CHEX is a utility token of Chintai Network. This network is a real-world platform that allows the...

America’s Climate Carousel

Climate Change, Development & Aid, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Small Island Developing States, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Oxfam activists wearing masks of...

UNCCD COP16 Spotlights Drought But Fails to Agree on a Legally...

Combating Desertification and Drought, Conferences, Development & Aid, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Middle East & North Africa, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Combating Desertification...

Johnson & Johnson Marks New Era as Global Healthcare Company With...

Johnson & Johnson has announced it is updating its brand and uniting its two business segments under the Johnson & Johnson brand name in...

Nigerian Crypto Romance Scam: Nearly 800 Culprits Arrested 

Key Takeaways The significant crackdown on the Nigerian Crypto Romance scam includes 800 individuals from multiple nationalities. Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) exposed the...

Thousands Feared Dead in Impoverished French Territory of Mayotte After Cyclone...

Undocumented migrants living in informal settlements in the French territory of Mayotte were among those whose lives and livelihoods were most devastated by Cyclone...

How an African Bioeconomy Can Strengthen Agrifood Systems in the Context...

Africa, Biodiversity, Climate Action, Climate Change, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Environment, Food and Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, Food Sustainability, Headlines, Natural...

Congressional Report Warns of Climate Threat to US Insurance, Housing Markets

After at least two dozen U.S. disasters with losses exceeding $1 billion during a year that is on track to be the hottest on...

Move over, Vikings. Sweden’s new seafaring heroes are knitting grannies.

Two hundred years ago, the Swedish island of Gotland was known for its abundant wool and talented craftswomen. Knitters, known as “sweater dears,” sailed...

Floods are battering South Sudan. This aid worker helps villagers plan...

Devastating flooding – the South Sudan region’s worst in 60 years – has been forecast through at least December, and tiny Panpandiar sits in...

UN Funding Uncertainty Threatens Rights Investigations

United Nations member countries should take urgent steps to end the UN’s financial troubles, which are hindering human rights investigations in Ukraine, Sudan, Haiti,...

Bridging the Gap in Africa’s Surgical Care Crisis

Africa, Featured, Global Governance, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations Opinion COSECSA trained surgeons prepare young boy for surgical...

Camps of Death, Terror: Syrian Survivors Face Long Road To Recovery

Armed Conflicts, Civil Society, Crime & Justice, Democracy, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, Middle East & North Africa, Peace,...