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Sudan: Fighters Rape Women and Girls, Hold Sex Slaves

Rapid Support Forces fighters and allied militias have raped scores of women and girls, including in the context of sexual slavery, in Sudan’s South Kordofan...

West Africa regional bloc approves exit timeline for 3 coup-hit nations

West Africa’s regional bloc ECOWAS approved Sunday an exit timeline for three coup-hit nations after a nearly yearlong process of mediation to avert the...

Celebrations tubs to Cadbury treats – the Christmas chocolates that have...

Consumer watchdog Which? has been looking into which festive treats have been affected by 'shrinkflation' - when grocery items shrink in size,...

South Korea’s parliament votes to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol over...

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea's parliament impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol on Saturday over his stunning and short-lived martial law decree, a move...

Clear progress for Africa’s financial markets

Jeff Gable, Chief Economist, and Anthony Kirui, Head of Global Markets Ex.SA, at Absa CIB explain why recent strong progress in Africa’s financial market...

The revolving door of Africa’s displacement crises

Nyibol Mathiang Deng, 27, and her child receive energy biscuits from aid workers after arriving at the South Sudan border point in Majok Yinthiou....

Saudi Arabia banned film for 35 years. The Red Sea festival...

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia -- JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — “My Driver and I” was supposed to be made in 2016, but was scuttled amid...

Waves of joy flood Damascus. But an undercurrent of distrust lingers.

A surging crowd pressed up against the high metal gate of a government compound, desperate for clues about disappeared loved ones. Politely but firmly,...

Sophia, a famous robot and global icon of AI, wins hearts...

HARARE, Zimbabwe -- From answering questions from Cabinet ministers, academics and students on climate change, substance abuse and the law to children’s inquiries about...

Thari Helps Tackle Violence and Abuse of Children and Women in...

Gender-based violence (GBV) in schools is a silent epidemic undermining the safety, well-being and potential of South Africa's youth. Peter Mahani, Thari Programme Manager:...

Glovent Launches Estate Management Platform

Glovent has announced the launch of a new Glovent mobile app — a South African-built estate management platform that enables marketers to reach residents...

Newly licensed Ethiopian Securities Exchange unveils trading floor

The Ethiopian Securities Exchange has today (Friday 13 December) announced that it will officially launch in mid-January 2025. CEO Tilahun Esmael Kassahun and top...

Helm Wins CX Solutions Provider of the Year — MEA at...

Helm has announced that it took home the title of CX Solutions Provider of the Year — MEA at the Technology Innovation Awards. The...

Intra-Regional Relations the Key To Sustainable Development in the Horn of...

Africa, Aid, Development & Aid, Featured, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, Middle East & North Africa, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations, Trade & Investment Sustainable Development...

The Fall of The Assad Regime: The Rebels’ Prospect for Success...

Armed Conflicts, Crime & Justice, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Middle East & North Africa, TerraViva United Nations Opinion People...

Picup Kickstarts Its Electric Vehicle Strategy in 2025

Picup Technologies, an independent on-demand delivery provider and subsidiary of Karooooo Limited, has announced its 2025 Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy. The company will integrate...

Radisson Hotel Group welcomes the first Radisson RED to Thailand with...

Radisson Hotel Group is proud to announce the opening of Radisson RED Phuket Patong Beach, marking the brand's introduction to the country with a...

Greece’s only miniature therapy horses bring joy to many, but their...

ATHENS, Greece -- Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, a smile spreads across the little girl’s face. Blinking behind her glasses, she inches her wheelchair...

Equality is on Syria’s agenda

Just a day after capturing Syria’s capital Dec. 8, the rebel group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) felt compelled to issue a rule for its...

Skins Game to make return to Thanksgiving week with a modern...

A modern version of The Skins Game is returning to Thanksgiving week.Pro Shop, the new golf media company led by “Full Swing” executive producer...

How young Nigerian women in arranged ‘money marriages’ are getting a...

At age 7, Atumoga Rose was abandoned by her parents in the compound of an older man from their Becheve tribal community in southeastern...

GTP and eWASA Partnership Fuels Environmental and Social Transformation in Bellville

The Greater Tygerberg Partnership (GTP) and the EPR Waste Association of South Africa NPO (eWASA) have announced a partnership with the aim of driving...

How to Stand Out in a Sea of Influencers

Becoming an influencer isn't just a career goal, it's a dream of turning passion into purpose, creativity into connection and personal stories into global...

Grab your popcorn: Here are the 10 best films of 2024

This year was supposed to be a transitional year for movies. The aftermath of the pandemic, and the Hollywood labor strikes in 2023 that...

US hikes tariffs on imports of Chinese solar wafers, polysilicon and...

BANGKOK -- The Biden administration plans to raise tariffs on solar wafers, polysilicon and some tungsten products from China to protect U.S. clean energy...

The Climate Generation: Our landmark series, one year later

One year after publishing our seven-part series, Monitor reporters Sara Miller Llana and Stephanie Hanes follow up with the activists and adapters, challengers and...

Inaugural Sub-Saharan Africa MMA SMARTIES Winners Announced

The MMA SMARTIES Awards has announced this year's Sub-Saharan Africa winners. With its 2024 themes of Purpose-Driven Marketing, Marketing Impact, Impact Media, Emerging Tech...

Sloom Launches ‘NapBot’ to Help Combat South Africa’s Sleep Crisis

Sloom, South Africa's first and only modular mattress company, has announced that it has launched the 'NapBot' — which could help sleep-deprived South Africans...

Hardest-hit Nigeria is latest African country to provide malaria vaccine to...

BAYELSA, Nigeria -- Ominike Marvis has lost count of the number of times her 6-year-old son has had malaria. So when Nigeria started offering...

Epworth Children’s Village Calls for Support

Epworth Children's Village has been a sanctuary for vulnerable children since its founding in 1918. Epworth has helped children find stability, emotional support, education...

When Ousted Leaders Seek Safe Havens to Escape Jail Time &...

Democracy, Featured, Global, Global Governance, Headlines, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations View of Aleppo, December 2024, a city in Syria, which...

Mali: Atrocities by the Army and Wagner Group

Mali’s armed forces, supported by the Russia-backed Wagner Group, and Islamist armed groups have committed serious abuses against civilians since the UN peacekeeping mission...

Syria: Post-Assad Transition Should Center Human Rights

(Beirut) – The ousting of Bashar al-Assad’s government by armed opposition groups has created a momentous opportunity for Syria to break with decades of...

In Nigeria’s lithium boom, many mines are illegal and children do...

NASARAWA, Nigeria -- Dressed in a faded pink dress, 6-year-old Juliet Samaniya squats under scorching skies to chip at a jagged white rock with...

Takeaways from AP’s report on child labor in Nigeria lithium mines

NASARAWA, Nigeria -- Growing demand for the lithium used in batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage has created a new frontier for mining...

NYC has scores of small, specialized or quirky museums. Here are...

New York can be a magical place for museumgoers. It can also be overwhelming and overcrowded at times, especially at the biggest, most famous...

African art that liberates

For four weeks, the people of Senegal in West Africa showed up in droves at sites across the capital, Dakar, to view art. Some...

It’s the Greed, Stupid!

Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Global, Headlines, Inequality, Poverty & SDGs, TerraViva United Nations Food and Agriculture Human activity has degraded over 70% of...

Once Scattered by Colonialism, Today United in Urgent Pursuit of Climate...

Africa, Armed Conflicts, Climate Change, Climate Change Finance, Climate Change Justice, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, International Justice, Migration & Refugees, Small Island Developing...

HOT 102.7FM Launches 2024 ‘Hot Cares Christmas’ Initiative

HOT 102.7FM has announced that a 51-year-old Blairgowrie man has been given the gift of sight this festive season, thanks to the generosity of...


Nonfiction 1. Main Street Millionaire by Codie Sanchez, narrated by the author (Penguin Audio)2. Atomic Habits by James Clear, narrated by the author (Penguin...

Authorities say the mystery disease in Congo might be malaria but...

KINSHASA, Congo -- The mystery flu-like illness that has killed dozens of people in southwest Congo in recent weeks might be malaria, according to...

Nature Can Help Africa Make the Most of COP29 Outcomes

Environment, Headlines, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion Africa can leapfrog to clean energy, reducing emissions while expanding access to affordable electricity. Credit: Isaiah...

Halo Advertising Wins Agency of the Year at 2024 AdFocus Awards

Halo Advertising, now in its 14th year as a creative company, has won the Agency of the Year award at the 2024 Financial Mail...

European Marketing Confederation Partners With African Marketing Confederation

The European Marketing Confederation (EMC) has partnered with the African Marketing Confederation (AMC) to enhance the global marketing landscape through a strategic partnership focused...

FAO Renews Its Commitment to Right to Food Guidelines

Aid, Armed Conflicts, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Economy & Trade, Food and Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, Food Sustainability, Global, Headlines, Health, Human Rights, Inequality,...

SPARK Schools Unveils New Brand Identity

After a decade, SPARK Schools has launched a refreshed brand and corporate identity as it embarks on a growth strategy. Key initiatives, aligned with...

Water Shortages Hit Zimbabwe Towns as Country Struggles To Overcome Impact...

Africa, Climate Change, Environment, Featured, Global, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations, Water & Sanitation Water & Sanitation “Cooling” La Niña conditions...

To What Extent is Bangladesh’s Hindu Population Under Attack?

Asia-Pacific, Crime & Justice, Featured, Gender Violence, Headlines, Human Rights, Religion, TerraViva United Nations Large numbers of Bangladeshi Hindus protested for recognition and protection...

Africa’s Time – Delivering Transformation via Innovation

Africa, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Editors' Choice, Featured, Headlines, Small Island Developing States, Sustainable Development Goals, TerraViva United Nations Opinion The African Continental...

In Zimbabwe, Women Are Leading the Battle Against Climate Change

Africa, Africa Climate Wire, Civil Society, Climate Change, Combating Desertification and Drought, Development & Aid, Environment, Featured, Food and Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition,...

After Juan Soto’s megadeal, could MLB see a $1 billion contract?...

For the second straight Major League Baseball offseason, a norm-shattering contract has been the talk of the winter, with Juan Soto agreeing with the...

Pesticide Scorecard Exposes Which Food Retailers Are Failing Bees

A report released Tuesday from the environmental group Friends of the Earth finds that the U.S. food retail sector's use of pesticides on just...

Extreme Weather Fueled by Climate Crisis Cost Insurers $600 Billion

A report out Tuesday shows that the fossil fuel-driven climate emergency accounts for an estimated $600 billion of global insured weather losses over a...

Squat lobsters and filtering fungi: Discoveries from the ocean deep to...

Barcelona’s subway system is the latest to salvage energy from its trains as they come to a stopUsing regenerative braking, a train’s motor runs...

This Year Saw Most of the World Repressed – but in...

Civil Society, Democracy, Featured, Global, Headlines, Human Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, TerraViva United Nations Opinion No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest,...

‘People Power Works’: Shell Backs Down in Anti-Protest Lawsuit Against Greenpeace

The United Kingdom-based oil giant Shell agreed Tuesday to settle a major lawsuit the company brought against Greenpeace after activists from the group boarded...

The Power of Curiosity: When Technology and Traditional Marketing Meet

We are in an era marked by rapid technological advancements and an ever-shifting customer landscape. The role of traditional marketing within this is undergoing...

Navigating the Digital Shift: How Media House Restructuring in South Africa...

The recent wave of media house restructures in South Africa — including the sale of Media24's distribution business, and several of its community newspapers...

The Love Trust Celebrates 2024 Milestones

As 2024 ends, The Love Trust's Nokuphila School has celebrated another year of impact and new milestones. From welcoming its first year of high...

Disney Sparks Joy With Chari-Trees

Following the launch of Disney Africa's retail campaign 'Spark Joy This Holiday' last month, Disney has announced an expanded Chari-Tree initiative. This year, the...

Israel-Gaza War: Deaths, Injuries and Destruction with No Plan for Peace

Armed Conflicts, Headlines, Human Rights, Middle East & North Africa Opinion Israel not providing a just and fair peace plan will inevitably lead to future...

Pacific Community Calls Out Urgency of Climate Loss and Damage Finance...

Asia-Pacific, Climate Change Finance, Climate Change Justice, Conferences, COP29, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Headlines, Human Rights, Humanitarian Emergencies, PACIFIC COMMUNITY, Pacific...

Time to Get Creative About Raising Standards in the Creative Industry

South Africa's meagre clutch of awards at the 2024 Cannes Festival of Creativity — a platform where our agencies have previously had a good...

MultiChoice Talent Factory nurtures next-gen African filmmakers

Three MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) academies across Africa have celebrated the graduation of another group of film and TV professionals. This new cohort of...

‘For the Human Race, Ignoring the Climate Emergency Is No Longer...

Asia-Pacific, Climate Action, Climate Change, Climate Change Justice, Editors' Choice, Featured, Global, Headlines, Humanitarian Emergencies, PACIFIC COMMUNITY, Pacific Community Climate Wire, Small Island Developing...

Poland: Brutal Pushbacks at Belarus Border

Polish law enforcement is unlawfully, and sometimes violently, forcing people trying to enter the country back to Belarus without considering their protection needs.Poland’s inhumane and illegal pushbacks...

Sudan: War Crimes in South Kordofan

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allied Arab militias carried out numerous abuses against civilians in Habila county in Sudan’s South Kordofan state from...

Is the CFP bracket fair? Here are some tweaks that would...

The committee that chose the 12 contenders for college football's national title was only worried about one thing — ranking the teams.Where those teams...

California to consider requiring mental health warnings on social media sites

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California, home to some of the largest technology companies in the world, would be the first U.S. state to require mental...

California to consider requiring mental health warnings on social media sites

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California, home to some of the largest technology companies in the world, would be the first U.S. state to require mental...

Green, Indigenous Groups Warns Arctic Still at Grave Drilling Risk When...

Wildlife protection groups and Indigenous leaders in Alaska said Monday that they would push to discourage bidding in an oil and gas lease sale...

What next for leaderless Syria, once the Mideast’s hub?

The collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria is the Middle East equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It left the region’s...

Syria: Between “Collective Failure” and “World War III”

Armed Conflicts, Featured, Global Governance, Headlines, TerraViva United Nations Armed Conflicts Kurds celebrate the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime in Qamishlo, the main city in...