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Concerns Raised About Toxic Exposure in Aftermath of Helene Floodwaters

Local officials, academic researchers, and volunteer responders have raised concerns about chemical and biological contamination brought by the floodwaters of Hurricane Helene in the...

Queennak Take Over Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Los Angeles with the...

    LOS ANGELES, CA, October 05, 2024 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In a remarkable display of artistry and cultural collaboration, artist Queennak hosted the Queennak Experience, a...

Scientists, Experts Demand ‘Immediate End’ to EU Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Warning that policymakers in the European Union are undermining the bloc's own climate goals by continuing to subsidize fossil fuel extraction, climate scientists and...

Walz Applauded for ‘Calling Out Trump’s Allegiance to Big Oil’ in...

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz used the climate portion of Tuesday night's vice presidential debate with Republican Sen. JD Vance to lambast GOP nominee...

21 Private Equity Firms Fund Over a Gigaton of Annual Climate...

The energy portfolios of over 20 top U.S. private equity firms are responsible for an estimated combined 1.17 gigatons of annual greenhouse gas emissions—more...

Endless Stream of Climate Disasters Bolsters Demand to ‘Make Polluters Pay’

In the wake of one of the hottest summers ever recorded in the United States and the deadly destruction wrought by Hurricane Helene, climate...

From Chimney Rock to Kathmandu, Floodwaters Bring Death and Devastation

Floodwaters brought mass death and destruction to the United States and Nepal over the weekend due to storms likely intensified by climate breakdown, following...

Africa’s Business Heroes Top 10 Finalists Head to the Grand Finale

Partner content: Africa’s Business Heroes The Africa’s Business Heroes (ABH) Prize Competition, Africa’s leading philanthropic initiative supported by the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba...

Climate Movement Says ‘Hurricane Helene Must Be a Wake-Up Call’

This is a developing story. Please check back for possible updates... As emergency crews have worked through the weekend to rescue people and restore essential...

Ghana: Entrepreneur builds rice brand to over $1m in yearly sales

Nana Owusu-Achau Interview with Nana Owusu-AchauFOUNDER, AGRO KINGS Lives in: Ghana Entrepreneur Nana Owusu-Achau is the founder of Agro Kings, a Ghana-based company...

Exporting Zambia’s honey to the US: Interview with agribusiness entrepreneur

Miit Pandoliker Interview with Miit PandolikerCEO AND CO-FOUNDER, LUANO FOOD COMPANY Lives in: Lusaka, Zambia Zambia-based Luano Food Company, which specialises in honey...

Exclusive: Khanna Proposes End to ‘Unconscionable’ Taxpayer Subsidies for Big Oil

As fossil fuel giants continue to rake in billions of dollars in profits, U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna on Thursday is reintroducing legislation to end...

‘Unfortunately,’ Say Critics, Biden’s Climate Claim at United Nations ‘Not True’

President Joe Biden claimed in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday that the U.S. was on track to halve greenhouse...

Cape Town and Lagos among Africa’s ultra-rich hotspots

Lagos, Nigeria By Seth Onyango, bird story agency Cairo, Cape Town and Lagos are some of the world’s ultra-rich hotspots cities to watch, according to the...

California Sues Exxon Over Decades of Plastics Deception in First-of-Its-Kind Lawsuit

In a first-of-its-kind lawsuit, California Attorney General Rob Bonta on Monday sued oil giant ExxonMobil for allegedly deceiving the public about the recyclability of...

Jane Fonda on US Election: ‘The Future of the Planet Is...

Actor and activist Jane Fonda took aim at Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump and his climate-wrecking plans in comments published Monday from her...

100+ Global Lawmakers Urge Biden to Reject New LNG Exports

With Climate Week underway in New York City, 106 lawmakers from the United States and around the world on Monday urged the Biden administration...

Student Researchers Expose Fossil Fuel Ties at US Universities

Students at universities and colleges across the U.S. have long demanded that their schools cut ties with the fossil fuel industry as planetary heating...

Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Mali taking African superfoods global

Yonas Alemu, founder of food company Lovegrass Ethiopia Superfoods, defined as nutrient-rich foods beneficial for health and well-being, have gained global recognition in recent...

Saudi Aramco Leads ​Fossil Fuel Firms in ‘Sportswashing’ Sponsorships: Analysis

Aramco, the state-owned Saudi firm, has the most sports sponsorships of any fossil fuel company in the world, with $1.3 billion in active deals,...

Big Oil to Benefit From Biden’s Carbon Capture Tax Credits: Report

As the U.S. moves to invest in climate solutions, is the money going toward projects that will meaningfully reduce emissions and transition the nation's...

‘Criminally Insane’: Subsidies That Harm the Environment Reach $2.6 Trillion Per...

Governments across the world now spend a total of $2.6 trillion per year on subsidies that harm the environment, jeopardizing global climate and biodiversity...

EU Crisis Official Warns of ‘Climate Breakdown’ Amid Deadly Wildfires and...

With the Portuguese government declaring a "state of calamity" over wildfires that have killed at least seven people, and the daily lives of ...

Report Reveals How US Taxpayers Are Unwittingly Subsidizing Climate Lies

A report published Wednesday identifies nearly 140 "climate disinformation organizations" in the United States financed by wealthy donors who receive massive subsidies from the...

New Report Lays Out How US Can Address Its ‘Fair Share’...

A coalition of climate campaigners on Tuesday published a proposal "for how the U.S. can play a bigger role in tackling the global climate...

Honduran Environment and Anti-Corruption Activist Juan López Killed

Environment and anti-corruption activist Juan López was killed in Tocoa, Honduras on Saturday in the latest attack on environmental defenders in the country. López,...

Deadly Flooding in Europe Shows ‘Dramatic Consequences’ of Climate Change

Extreme flooding has claimed the lives of at least seven people in Central and Eastern Europe and forced thousands to flee their homes over...

Leak at First CO2 Injection Site in US Exposes Dangerous Folly...

Environmental groups said Friday that a newly reported leak at the first CO2 injection site in the United States highlights the threat—and false promise—of...

Democrats Introduce Federal Bill to Make Climate Polluters Pay

United States Sen. Chris Van Hollen and Rep. Jerry Nadler on Thursday announced the introduction of legislation that would require Big Oil firms to...

Biden Urged to ‘Follow the Facts’ as Study Shows LNG Emissions...

More than 125 climate, environmental, and health scientists and researchers on Thursday implored the Biden administration to "follow legitimate science and reject the expansion...

Report Details Wave of Lawsuits Targeting Climate Crimes of Big Oil

An increasing number of climate lawsuits filed against fossil fuel companies in the last decade could put a dent in the business model of...

Kenyan-built mobile money platform disrupts traditional banks’ hold in Eswatini

Mandla Nxumalo, managing director of InstaCash A Nairobi-designed digital wallet service is nipping at the heels of Eswatini’s mainstream banks and telcos, proving that...

Juliana Plaintiffs Urge Supreme Court to Reverse Trump Judges’ Dismissal of...

Demanding that the U.S. Supreme Court correct "an egregious error" by the Trump-appointed judges who dismissed their landmark case in May, the 21 plaintiffs...

Groups Say Trump Threat Is Dire, But Harris Must Prove She...

Up until the very last question of the debate between U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump Tuesday night, American voters...

The South African entrepreneur who found opportunity in plastic pipes

Kgomotso Lekola Interview with Kgomotso LekolaFOUNDER AND CEO, BT INDUSTRIAL GROUP Lives in: South Africa After making a three times return on his previous venture, South African...

‘Simply Unacceptable’: Nearly 200 Environmental Defenders Killed in 2023

Almost 200 people were killed in 2023 for attempting to protect their lands and communities from ecological devastation, Global Witness revealed Tuesday. This raises the...

Pacific Islands Push ICC to Recognize Ecocide as International Crime

Campaigners against ecocide, the destruction of nature, applauded what one leader called a "key moment" in the fight to protect the natural world and...

From Nigeria to Kenya: Entrepreneurs turning Africa’s plastic waste into wealth

Kieran Smith, the CEO of Mr Green Africa, at its recycling factory in Nairobi, Kenya. From Nigeria to Ethiopia and Kenya, these three entrepreneurs...

Brazilian Judge Orders Slaughterhouses and Ranchers to Pay for Harming Amazon

A Brazilian judge on Thursday ordered two slaughterhouses and three ranchers to pay $764,000 in combined penalties for trading cattle raised in a protected...

In Rich Nations, 72% Say Climate Damage Should Be ‘Criminal Offense’

Nearly two-thirds of people living in the world's largest economies believe it should be "a criminal offense" for decision-makers in government or big businesses...

50 Arrested in Final ‘Historic’ Summer of Heat Protest at Citibank

Closing out a "historic" summer of civil disobedience—but with no plans to back off their demands that Wall Street divest from planet-heating fossil fuels—the...

Big Oil Wields Influence on Universities, Delaying Green Transition: Study

The fossil fuel industry seeks to obstruct climate action by using money to influence research and establish ties at Western universities, raising concerns about...

From Kenya to Ghana: Where this investor sees Africa’s best opportunities

Nimrod Gerber Interview with Nimrod GerberMANAGING PARTNER, VITAL CAPITAL Lives in: Cyprus Nimrod Gerber is the managing partner at Vital Capital, an investment...

US DOE Approves New Fortress Energy LNG Export Despite Climate Risks

Despite the strong links between liquefied natural gas and harms to public health and the planet, the U.S. Department of Energy has approved the...

‘You Cannot In Fact Do Both’: Biden Slammed for Bragging About...

Climate campaigners this week rebuked recent claims by U.S. President Joe Biden—and Vice President Kamala Harris, the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee—that the United...

‘Big Win’: UK Won’t Defend Fossil Fuel Projects in North Sea

Climate campaigners celebrated Thursday after the United Kingdom's new Labour government announced it will not legally defend decisions to allow controversial offshore drilling in...

‘Colossal Waste’: US Leads Way in Public Spending on False Climate...

Among the world's wealthiest countries, the U.S. leads the way in spending public money on so-called climate "solutions" that have been proven to "consistently...

Beyond Plastics Offers Next President Agenda to Protect Public Health and...

The group Beyond Plastics on Wednesday expressed hope that the next U.S. president "is up for the challenge" of reversing course on the annual...

Republican AGs Urge Supreme Court to Halt Biden Methane Rule

Two dozen Republican-led states on Tuesday asked the right-wing U.S. Supreme Court to pause the Biden administration's rule intended to slash methane emissions by...

To Defeat Trump, Sunrise Mobilizes to Reach 1.5M Young Voters in...

The Sunrise Movement on Tuesday launched a campaign program in support of Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, aiming to reach 1.5 million...

‘What Real Eldership Looks Like’: 29 Senior Climate Protesters Arrested at...

The "Summer of Heat on Wall Street" protests continued Tuesday with at least 29 elders arrested while blocking Citibank's New York City headquarters to...

Pacific Islands Summit Highlights Disproportionate Climate Impacts

As more than 1,500 delegates from over 40 nations gathered in Tonga for the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting, climate defenders on Monday...

US-Trained Military in Uganda Targets Oil Pipeline Protesters

Police and soldiers from Uganda's U.S.-trained army cracked down on demonstrators at two Monday protests against the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, continuing the...

Mobilizing finance to build climate-resilient, sustainable African cities

In Africa, the current population of around 1.1 billion will double by 2050 and more than 80% of that increase will occur in cities....

Water Realities

In the Agrifrica Digital Magazine we covered the realities of Water from various countries. Hereunder the snapshot of a few Countries Challenges & Solutions,...

Why Water?

When we launched Agrifrica.com, we thought about the issues around the Future of Earth and our collective well-being. We discussed about the important elements...

AfDB to launch flagship publication on land reform in Africa

The African Natural Resources Centre (ANRC) of the African Development Bank Group will today launch a publication containing a series of research-based articles by...

Fura Gems again extends Mozambique ruby asset merger

The company said it provided notice to New Energy Minerals that it would push back the so-called ‘drop dead’ date Fura Gems Inc ()(OTCMKTS:FUGMF), the...