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Home Tags Africa

Tag: Africa

Country Profile : DRC Water

The DRC is the most water-rich country in Africa. It accounts for approximately 52 percent of Africa's surface water reserves and 23 percent of...

Mobilizing finance to build climate-resilient, sustainable African cities

In Africa, the current population of around 1.1 billion will double by 2050 and more than 80% of that increase will occur in cities....

Interview with Seth M. Siegel – Prominent Water Expert

Question ADM: Why Water? Answer Seth: I got involved with water policy issues for two reasons: First, there aren't enough people talking about water, whether...

Why Water?

When we launched Agrifrica.com, we thought about the issues around the Future of Earth and our collective well-being. We discussed about the important elements...

Agriculture, Food and Aqua

Agriculture Conference with great pleasure welcomes all the contributors in the food and health industry across the globe to the International Conference on Agriculture,...

Agrofood West Africa

"International Trade Show on Agriculture – Food & Beverage Technology – Food & Hospitality" 6th agrofood West Africa 2019 - agrofood West Africa Accra is an...

FoodAgro Africa 2021

East Africa's premier International Food & Agriculture exhibition to host Exhibitors from over 26 countries. Kenya's premier Food & Agriculture exhibition returns to Nairobi from...


Sahara is the commercial heart of the Egyptian agricultural sector, the crop production hub of the MENA region. Sahara is a trusted source of...


"Africa's largest forum for Agribusiness networking and Development" Nigeria, a federal republic in West Africa, is a host to a grand event Agrikexpo, which is...


The Global Trade Show of Networking and Matchmaking South Africa 2021 (GTS 2021) is a trade and business fair offering an excellent opportunity for...

2ndWorld Plant and Soil Science Congress

Emerging Challenges of Plant Science for Crop Improvement Conference Series LLC LTD invites all the participants from all over the 2nd World Plant and Soil...

HortiExpo Africa 2021

The HortiExpo Africa 2021, International Trade Show on Horticulture-Floriculture & Pre-Harvesting. The exhibition will be held in conjunction with Agro-FoodPack, which will be held...

ICAEM 2021: 15. International Conference on Agricultural Economics and Management

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly...

aWhere in Kenya

aWhere, Inc, a leading provider of agricultural weather data and analytics, announced last month a new agreement with the government of Kenya. Under the...

Africa Renewable Energy Initiative

Agriculture contributes significantly to the economic and social makeup of the majority of African countries and plays a substantially larger relative role in Africa...

Rethinking Land Reform in Africa

Land reform is a complex process requiring changes in legal regulatory frameworks with often highly technical components. When a new tribunal service was proposed...

AfDB to launch flagship publication on land reform in Africa

The African Natural Resources Centre (ANRC) of the African Development Bank Group will today launch a publication containing a series of research-based articles by...

Export restrictions effect agriculture markets

The global food supply chain, as well as demand for agricultural products, faces an unprecedented threat from the coronavirus pandemic. Livelihoods have been destroyed and...

Project Manager, Livelihoods Mount Elgon Project

Level: Project Manager, Livelihoods Mount Elgon Project Reports to: Kenya Country Manager Term: 2 years fixed contract Location: Kitale, Kenya Vi Agroforestry is a Swedish NGO that has...

Africa post-coronavirus green economy from Portugal to Africa

As countries in Europe are preparing for post-coronavirus world, African countries are advancing their Digital Economy, Green industries and blue economies. In the case of...

African countries against plastic

According to the African Development Bank(AfDB), 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide each year, much of which is plastic waste that pollutes the...

Can Zambia be an Energy Powerhouse

Zambia generates practically all its energy production from its own primary resources: biomass, coal, and hydroelectricity, with flagship plants such as the power station...

The energy challenge in sub-Saharan Africa: A guide for advocates and...

Sub-Saharan Africa, home to more than 950 million people, is the most electricity-poor region in the world. More than 600 million people lack access...

Africa 2030: Roadmap for a renewable energy future

Africa 2030 analysis identified modern renewable technology options across sectors, across countries, collectively contributing to meet 22% of Africa’s total final energy consumption (TFEC)...

Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa

The field of conservation biology has set itself some imposing tasks: to describe Earth’s biological diversity, to protect what remains, and to restore what...

Green Industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa: A GUIDE FOR POLICY MAKERS

Section 1 defines “green industrialization” and the related concepts of “green economy”, “green growth” and “green jobs”. Section 2 identifies potential data sources and indicators...

Climate Change, Sub-Saharan Africa, and US National Security

Over the next century, states in Sub-Saharan Africa will become major players in the global community. As climate change continues to take a toll...

COVID19 effect: From real time Safari to Virtual Safaris

South African company WildEarth brings virtual safaris to a worldwide audience in the comfort of their living room via a camera that WildEarth guides...

Hemp based eco-building in Morocco

What can't we do with hemp? Well, this forward-thinking and innovative eco-building "Sunimplant" has been built in Morocco as it combines a hemp construction...

African Military Geoscience

This eight-chapter volume, African Military Geosciences: Military History and the Physical Environment, is a tour-de-force covering nearly 500 years of African military geosciences. It...

Future Directions of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Africa

Transformation and rapid population growth in Africa indicates that urbanisation is one of the key determinants of the future of social dynamics and development...

The Balancing of Interests in Environmental Law in Africa

"Now that economic development is starting to pick up in many countries in Africa, the question arises how such development can be balanced with...

Africa in a Changing Global Environment

Africa is one continent severely affected by the ravaging effects of global environment change yet it is least responsible for this. The continent's rural...

Building a Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

This open access collection of papers offers technical analyses, policy recommendations and an overview of success stories to date. Each carefully selected paper provides...

Head, AGRF Platforms; Partnerships- Job Reference No. AGRF/02/2020

Location:  Kigali, Rwanda. About AGRA Founded in 2006, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), is an African-led African-based organization that seeks to catalyze Agriculture Transformation...

West African Agriculture and Climate Change

West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis examines the food security threats facing 11 of the countries that make up West Africa...


For a European non profit organization active in the Agribusiness we are recruiting a Business Advisor in Côte D'Ivoire. As a business advisor, you are...


The Head Grower is responsible for good quality mother stock and cuttings • Ensures that department has up to date information on the growing process...


For our client we are looking for a knowledgeable Assistant Manager for their Seedling Nursery, who can join their team. The successful candidate will...

Africa Agriculture Status Report 2019: Hidden middle

The report start by revealing that although 70-80 percent of people in rural Africa work on their own farms, this work is often part-time,...

Agriculture in Africa: Telling Facts from Myths

The “Agriculture in Africa– Telling Facts from Myths” project was initiated by the Chief Economist’s Office of the World Bank Africa Region in partnership with the...

Building Competitiveness in Africa’s Agriculture

Seventy-five percent of the world’s poor live in rural areas and most are involved in agriculture. In the 21st century, agriculture remains fundamental to...

Assessing Regional Integration in Africa Vol. IV

Assessing Regional Integration in Africa (ARIA) is a major publication of the Eco-nomic Commission for Africa (ECA), produced in collaboration with the Afri-can Union...

Shedding New Light On Africa’s Investment Opportunities

The purpose of this briefing paper is threefold. First, it presents some of the findings of a com-prehensive study undertaken for the MSP by...

Promoting Commercial Agriculture in Africa

This article looks at African agriculture from a business perspective and highlights the current status of agricul-ture and agribusiness. It seeks to address a...

Custodians of the Commons: Pastoral Land Tenure in East & West...

Pastoral land tenure is little understood and even less respected by many African governments and western donors alike, with the consequence that pastoralists throughout...

Land Tenure, Gender and Globalization: Research and Analysis from Africa, Asia,...

Evaluating how land ownership relates to workings of global capital and the lives of both women and men, this analysis draws from field research...

China in Africa: Partner, Competitor or Hegemon?

Nowhere in the world is China's rapid rise to power more evident than in Africa. From multi-billion dollar investments in oil and minerals to...

The New Harvest: Agricultural Innovation in Africa

African agriculture is currently at a crossroads, at which persistent food shortages are compounded by threats from climate change. But, as this book argues,...

Chocolate Nations Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa

Chocolate is one of the world's most everyday luxuries, the very word conjuring up a hint of the forbidden and a taste of the...

Climate Change in Africa

This book outlines current thinking and evidence on climate change and the impacts such change will have on Africa. Global warming above the level...

Agribusiness in Africa: A study of the impact of big business...

This book provides, for the first time, a detailed analysis of the role of big business in Africa's agriculture. It exposes the past and...
Book Cover

The Politics of Land Reform in Africa: From Communal Tenure to...

This book examines the trend in Africa today to replace communal forms of customary tenure with Western-type private land tenure arrangements. These are markets...
Book Cover

The New Scramble for Africa

Once marginalized in the world economy, Africa has emerged as a major global supplier of crucial raw materials like oil, uranium and coltan. With...
Ethics in Agriculture - An African Perspective

Ethics in Agriculture – An African Perspective

Agriculture is the lifeblood of the majority of people in Africa. It is not just a provider of food, it is a way of...